Nerf parry

All u need to party is to mash the melee button, please close the gap on parrying it’s too easy to do and annoying

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VanillaCore… Dude stop posting this crap in every forum post… its childish and pathetic! If you want to get your opinion across stop being immature and actually backup your reasoning, you are the reason developers can’t listen to actual feedback.


I was able to kill at least 2 all I’m saying is maybe make it harder to do or have it so you can only do it directly before the pred hits you to y’know make it challenging, so please don’t have a go at me I’m just trying to address an issue that I have experienced

Except the predator isnt here to hunt the fireteam, the fireteam intrudes on its hunting ground, your arguements are made from a position of ignorance

The whole forum at the moment unfortunately.

are you happy now, parry is shit. Fireteam doesn’t have slightiest change, try be stealth, ai founds you, and hunters tracker perk too. Try be near your team friends, doesn’t help, you cant parry so berserker takes your team one shot.


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It sounds like you ran into a zerk with the parry specialization.

Just dont parry, have everyone stay shooting at them.
If they’re swinging non stop the pred might down one person, but they will definitely not be put into second wind.

But the real question.
Why the fuck are you responding to year old thread?

I thought it was gonna be your job to necro threads.
You’re slacking!

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If you walk around before the swipe it’s ‘alot easier’.

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I don’t get it, is he saying that parry is useless because berserkers are dominating him or his team or that it’s OP that he can’t use a berserker to dominate the FT?

Think we’ve done plenty of balancing changes around FT stupidity for now.


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Because, age didnt make this thread obsolete. And we can learn from history.

Theres nothing to learn tho.
Parry isnt shit lol.

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Lol on console it’s so harder to do so I just stick to shooting

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