-Since day one FT had the advantage
-Now FT’s are board because the challenge of killing a predator is to easy.
-Nerfs to plasma caster, nerfs to slams through roofs
-nerfs to combistick
-arrows get stuck on edges or get thrown off by twig bug
-arrows go through the heads of FT while ducking
-melee across the board is weak
Buffs to pred
-more hp
-Buff to pistol
-buff to disc speed
-buffs to trap detection
-melee know slows a little
FT reasons for op high level premade
-point and click to ez
-train map favors FT
-Stamina is to strong on FT
-Sniping is way to ez
-No recoil and tunnel makes ez dmg
-No bugs that effect there gameplay
-Perks are far better on FT than predator
-2 member with health kits = 8 total plus maps health kits
I am all for balance but the ft should not be allowed to split