Nerfs and Buff.... lets lay it straight

-Since day one FT had the advantage
-Now FT’s are board because the challenge of killing a predator is to easy.
-Nerfs to plasma caster, nerfs to slams through roofs
-nerfs to combistick
-arrows get stuck on edges or get thrown off by twig bug
-arrows go through the heads of FT while ducking
-melee across the board is weak

Buffs to pred
-more hp
-Buff to pistol
-buff to disc speed
-buffs to trap detection
-melee know slows a little

FT reasons for op high level premade
-point and click to ez
-train map favors FT
-Stamina is to strong on FT
-Sniping is way to ez
-No recoil and tunnel makes ez dmg
-No bugs that effect there gameplay

-Perks are far better on FT than predator
-2 member with health kits = 8 total plus maps health kits

I am all for balance but the ft should not be allowed to split

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Give FT bullet drop to stop the point and click sniping. There I fixed it.

um no you didn’t. Increase bullet spray.

You mean spread? Yes. Not sure if the hipfire perks even do anything.

I do like that bullet drop idea, it would take skill to use the sniper but probably would make the sniper absolete to controller users

not just sniper all the weapons… really the sniper wouldnt have bullet drop till past 200m… and were talking minimal until the 500m mark. It still should retain its dmg

it literally took me down to 3/4 hp just duling 2 snipers on the roof in train without any other FT member… still won the game but 2 recons is a tilt on train. Class was sam and any other class I woulda been toast. Need more levels to trees to use the perks… the train map takes most skill due to map design.