Nerf's for FT's ideas

Nerf’s for FT’s since all anyone ever wants to talk about is nerfing Predator.

Field medic definitely needs a nerf, FT dps needs a nerf, ammo bags and field medkits need to be reduced to 2 uses instead of 4, Yautja’s bane needs points increased, Dex needs increased by 1, specializations need a nerf

Could also nerf field medic pickup time by increasing dex points where it is just out of reach for field medic unless they give up two slots of the higher perk point items leaving them to only choose 1 point perk items and nerf 25 hp off of what field medic pick’s you up for. Dmg need’s to be nerfed on all guns by 15% and damage perks need to be increased by 2 points. so they have to give up more to use it. Specializations that increase damage need to be nerfed down 5% of whatever they are currently, Specializations should also be nerfed by not stacking.


@KayneLucard, @Fire, @Finessology, @REYNOSO_FUA11, @TheSenate, @Scarface_1983, @ADIsnap, @CHUCK_YT, @Courier, @OldKingHamlet

Want some thoughts on this. Because I feel this would ultimately help balance the game for a more appropriate 1v4 rather than 1v1 setup. Yes, would be harder to kill Predator solo wise, but the same time pushes for people to be more cautious and work as a team rather than being able to solo Predator with little to no effort. Could still be easy to kill as a group.

This would also make more of Predator’s kit viable again where you are less likely to see all range and a mix of melee and range. As well as people using less caster to spam.

I do still think Predator need’s more range weapons though and more viable melee and specializations, but without specializations this would be the next best thing for Predator.


Yes I agree.
If things stay as they are.
We do need. Changes tho.


I think this is a good start for balancing the game.
IMO they should lower damage overall, but once there is 2 ft left, give them a slight damage buff (where they are now) to compensate for missing members, and once they are in LMS give them damage/health buff again, making the FT progressively stronger as they lose members so initial DPS isn’t to insane, but a 3-2 man FT has a decent chance of fighting a pred/making it to reinforcements.


I can agree to that, but starting out these stats should be about what I posted and the ammo bag and medkit gear nerf is due to my Rocket build I can have 48 rockets without ammo crates on the map. Medkits gear either need to be nerfed to 2 uses or the amount of HP it gives so it’s not a saving grace after being picked up by field medic to put you back to full and still have uses left.

That way keeps people more mindful of using their gear as well as not making a punishment by Predator useless


Yeah, I should have clarified that I meant that my idea was an addition to yours.

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I figured that is what you meant lol, was just giving some reasoning behind some of the nerf’s especially the ammo bag and medkit gear. No reason I should be able to carry 48 rockets using unleashed specialization and quick reload so I can spam rocket’s and kill a pred in 3 to 4 instantly.

This but delete all damage perks, yautja’s bane etc

Not really just increase to 6 like they did lens on Predator

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I have a serious suggestion as an alternative. Hear me out.

  1. Keep FT exactly as it is. But…
  2. Buff the fuck out of predator damage output. I’m talking one hit full charge caster downs (revert right to 1.05 when it was perfect), combi throw 150, full charge arrow 90, keep quick fire as is. Full charge arrow to the head one hit down. Net way harder to break out of (teammate must cut you out but you only get 8-10 nets). Disk to 150 minimum. Plasma pistol…well, who cares about that shit heap. And melee that actually tracks properly with a 15% buff across the board.

You get the idea.

So now both sides hit really fucking hard. Predator feels like a predator, but the FT can still shred.

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Sadly, won’t happen because you’ll have people complain Predator is too op again and we will end up nerfed back to the way we are.

Maybe leaving pred as is and nerfing FT’s will give them an idea of how we feel, but it’ll also balance out where Pred can feel more like a pred, but also gives a fear feeling in the FT because they are no longer as powerful and it forces teamwork instead of soloing which is what I want to prevent.

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It’s a very good starting point for sure I think some extensive testing needs to be done before we throw out any hard nerf buff numbers but even something like a more defined location based damage mechanic that actually takes the Predator’s armor that he/she wears into account would go a loooooong way.
Remove health damage from Face Shots until mask is removed.
headshots not protected by the mask do full damage, This includes back/sides of the head exposed even with mask on.
Have an armor rating based on class that reduces damage at different %s based on power of weapon fired.

Example min-Scout Class already wears least amount of armor but it would also be the lightest in weight and density as to not hamper their speed, so armored spots on a Scout deflect all small arms fire pistols(not Magnum) and SMGs and reduce damage of assault weapons by maybe 35%ish(ballparking of course) and maybe 10-15%ish for Snipers and other “armor piercing” weapons.
Example max-Berserker Class wears the most armor and it should be the most dense as well so it should be really tough and durable since they supposedly have a Melee focus in mind.
so their armor also deflects all small arms fire and reduces assault damage by around 50-65%ish and armor piercing by around 30-35ish%.
The other classes would fall somewhere in between.
Exposed spots should have a slight location based reduction as well IE
Arms and Legs-50%
All Ballparking Numbers Of Course just my opinion based on my experiences in this game.
But I think it would make a big difference and actually reward the marksmen and punish the spray and prayers. It would allow the New Preds to actually learn the game a little easier and also force team work amongst the FT.
If the main way they can do damage is by communicating and working well together and aiming for exposed spots instead of just center mass then they are learning to better play the game then relying on just the Big potential damage that they can throw downrange.

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Bruh yoinking my idea xD… oh well keep at it maybe the devs listen to you better…

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I would also like to point out they should also make same thing for body of predator… like head hits give 100% and so on… minor body parts give less…


If you want to add in there, make surfaces like wood, branches and thin walls penetratable… but every bullet that goes trough deals like 25% less damage… + that damage also gets reduced if it hits predators armor or like his flesh…

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😆😆 I doubt it, I’ve been asking for the ability to Backhand Bitchslap FT since launch and they haven’t even batted an eye at it so who knows.

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I mentioned that didn’t I? If not then Yes it should matter where we are shot and what was in the way as well.

Wanna hear a hilarious fact…

Devs confirmed it them self they want to make the game realistic as possible and be fair…

As in realistic… in sense that the alien specie is killable yet hardly killable… and sadly its not going well xD… pred is just underpowered by like less than 20% while fireteam is more OP by 20% ish too… but technically with the new tech they have ur looking at 40% realistically considering that they are not done balancing new shit they added… yet…

But carrying on… i made this topic about this right… and ummm… suprisingly this nice mod @OldKingHamlet noticed it and said sure thing but cant promise it will be added… like to forward it to the devs…

Anyways they did add one thing which was the cloak xD but then the entire forums started bitching about how cloak is now too OP…

Like as if you would see predators cloak with ur naked professional 20/20 vision eye… againts tech that bends 95-99.5% of light…

Anyways maybe we get lucky and devs get this idea they want penetratable surfaces

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It is a great idea, but problem is could/would take a lot more work to implement into the game then there is also the issue could potentially cause a lot more bugs and hitbox markers being way off. Example being could be shot in the arm, yet registers as a chest shot where no armor is and take considerably more damage than you are supposed to. They already have problems with hitboxes as is as well as warpaints being off center.

This is why I chose this way due to the path of least resistance and a territory they are familiar with and easiest for them to do since they already have a system in for it.

Just my opinion on it, it could also cause random damage and cause more false reports of this person cheated which is more work on them to look into if they do in which sadly they don’t have a big enough team to handle a heavier work load.

Least this way it would balance out both sides to give predator a better chance, prevent least amount of bugs, make soloing predator harder, force teamwork, and create more diverse builds instead of making gameplay more stale because you are stuck to one trick pony tactics out of fear of being shredded and waiting 15 minutes for another 2 minute game.

Nah… the code does not work that way btw…

Not unless they also implement bullet drop… which is also a thing i want to be added for Fireteam as well… as we already have bullet drop and bullet projection going on for predator…

I will shortly explain…

So what you are worried about is a thing that can happen but its also coded in… if there is a bullet drop… like actual gravity in game… and physics apply to the bullets… if predator is lets say leaping… and u try to shoot at him without aiming slightly forward… it will go behind him… cause thats how newthon law works… i think i named it properly xD…

Basically … u need to learn how to properly bullet spread and control your aim which takes skill (and thats why i wanted this to be added cause fireteam does not need skill) all u need is time to realise how badly broken fireteam is…

So if they add all that… the game engine sees the bullet in a coded way… and there is already pre written input and output code… for predator body on its location on map… realistically… its not a thing that people can abuse… its just all u need is skill to headshot predator and deal 100% damage input to him… and that my friend takes skill… and thats why everyone hates this idea.

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