Net downed fireteam member's

Please alow us the pin downed fireteam members to the ground with the net,
Also 1 step futher would be to make the fireteam need to cut the net in order to heal them,
Itl give us all so much more to do,
And allow ppl like myself to use the net gun in builds that i only use 1 weapon in, and dont otherwise need the netgun, such as the axe,
Because if your close enough to land the net, your close enough to land the axe,
And your actually more likely to die if you use the net,
Also it would be nice if i could pin ppl easier in general, i shouldnt needa down them multiple times to pin them, as has been the case

You can pin people with the netgun.

Unfortunately its pointless and they break out just as fast so you waste your time by trying to get an angle.

I know it can, i asked for it to pin downed people,

but they’re downed and it takes 1 knife to get the net off?

I agree though the netgun needs some sort of niche, its just a gimmick that tries to make melee ““viable”” when the FT is halfway out by the time pred swaps weapon.

needs to be changed to a gear item/make pins much harder to escape so there’s a reason to get angles on people

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I hear you, but i call bs on the angles part as it is, because ive had the perfect shot and 9/10x it still doesn’t pin them,
If you downed them multiple x til they have a skull on their head its easier,
But why on earth would i let then get healed 3x in a row just to maybe pin them,
And yes a simple knife of the net’l do, it just gives the predator something to do,
And strategically speaking itl help make sure they dont crawl off out of your ambush,
And afford the predator a extra half a second to kill the medic, earnt by setting it up and leaving the downed member alive with the possibility to recover,
Also would be valuable in a near death situation at a distance, possibly earning a sec to heal and return after downing half a sqaud,

Would be nice to have more ‘item’ weapons so to speak, but the net gun needs to stay in the weapon slot otherwise itl never get used,
I mean you’d be forced to pick beetween the net ir hp or the trap, i combo the trap and net atm

Btw if you use fast hands with the net you get a free kill when you swap to your weapon, so they dont needa rework that,

It already doesn’t get used because it takes up a weapon slot. same for taking fast hands over something like downrange, impen, whatever.

What would i take netgun for ever if I can take bow that’s about 100 times more useful than stopping 1 person from parrying? melee is bad. bear traps I can live without.

I dont know what you trying to say dude