Net gun is TOOO OP

Trapper doesnt affect the nets.

Well if we are talking about stuff that needs a nerf let’s talk about the melee damage against predator. We need to balance it out. If net gun gets nerfed than ft melee damage needs to be nerfed as well.

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Fuck no, the net gun is fine the way it is. In actuality, it should be constricting and cutting FT members and inflicting damage in addition to restraining like it does to Hostile-Ai and how it works in the films.

So, technically it needs a buff to operate properly.

Basically every weapon the pred use should one shot the FT. I think this is the hardest part to balance in the game.

in the films, games, and comics the net constricts and cuts and can kill by itself. You can’t break out of it easily since its a high grade metal. Hell in the game the dutch tapes talk about the netgun and how it left a nasty scar on dutch’s head and you can see the scar ingame. The netgun does not do enough damage for how quickly it can be removed.

Honestly the only buff I think that should be done to it is make it so if you pin to a wall or the ground they can not get out without help. I mean seriously. you can see they can’t move their hands and the net would shred then when anchored to a flat surface. I think that’s the only buff it needs and it would change a lot of play styles.

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and I didn’t know they ran at full speed while netted. I don’t use netgun often cause my aim sucks with it. if they do run at full speed that needs to be changed that makes no sense.

Are we super positive on that?

I read on the forum (late night, long time ago) that it did.

Now call me lucky but I’ve felt like it does take a bit more extra to fight it off.

I could be wrong and FT vs me have been dumb as bricks.

The game is team work oriented. If you knife a teammate netted they are INSTANTLY freed. The net gun is fine lol

I play ft main

It needs no nerf but I wish the predators could net us to the wall so they could pull off a ridiculously cool af spear execution as a follow up 😈

The fact that it has infinite rounds is the issue imo

What has infinite ammo?

the netgun has 15 shots, miss or hit you consume a round each shot.

its a non lethal close range weapon what your problem?

Hell No it doesn’t need any type of nerf

Net gun is not op
When FT getting caught with it other FT can help him by cutting off with his knife. Of course i still meeting some players which acting like chicken without of head which means runing away in some crazy directions than run to team mate to get some help
Beside net cant get trought barrels or some objects it getting destroyed. Twice in the row i was saved by some barrels because Pred wanted to catch me but i was stayed behind barrels and gun blazing to Pred

This was tested and in 1.10 trapper perk is not affecting net self release times. We may have even encountered a bug once where it actually worked in reverse (made traps take less time to escape) but we could not reproduce it.

Moving greatly affects the time it takes a FT to self release vs standing still, though and as stated a team mate can instantly release you with one button push.

Trapper perk is still adding ~1s to escape time for Bear Traps.

Bad player confirmed. Net gun is meh at best.

I just wish they were more lenient on pinning the FT to stuff it’s so picky that it’s rare to happen.

the most common way I have done it is to shoot straight down when they walk under you on a branch. pins them almost 100% of the time. downside is any FT that thinks about it knows exactly were you are.

I actually think its not effective enough if the fire team gets hit with one he should fall to the ground (not downed just immobile) while taking maybe 25-35 health(that’s being nice) away til you break free. That would be more accurate since we know the net cuts thru flesh quick…look at predator 2 and avp that net slices and dices pretty fast so your prolly bein a baby about it straight up.

I honestly think that the net should slow them and if you pin they can’t break themselves free

I think that would be an effective buff and it would allow the damage to actually do damage if you pin. someone has to come save them.

I also swore the game said something about a execution for people who are netted but I can’t remember. I think you should have an exicution for people who are pinned. spear, bow or net pins.

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