Net Gun

Anyone who plays as pred and there build has the net gun.

Have you people cane across a problem with it in that when you net a FT member they are still able to shot at you I have come across this a few times now


Some fts will cry over any weapons pred uses

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Very true. But this is a problem where the gun doesn’t work as intended like a bug makes it useless to have equipped now

i think its a random bug, vs me i get fully netted

saw that shit yesterday aswell, common illfonic L


weird, everyone else seems to be able to shoot

i dont, only managed once

macros makes net easy ;)

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well, who needs a macro if you don’t even need to get out of it anymore? lmao


thanks illfonic

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Well you do take damage over time, so I guess you want to get out ASAP 😉

2 HP per second and effect only lasts for 15 seconds, so, 30 HP at the very most… nothing significant

Thanks for doing the math on that. I had one FT member die from the net - or maybe AI shooting him at the same time.

Does the ranged weapon damage buff actually work on the net?

I’ve never tested it, but I highly doubt it will as the damage type of the net (constriction) is not classified as ranged

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AI on this game now is far more damaging to the FT than the predator itself. The other day I decided to run Dante with Thick Skin, OWLF Training and Body Armor. It was incredibly stupid how much more tankier I was now compared to Thick Skin and OWLF alone.

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Which is why I am triggering all alarms when playing predator. They can be very helpful in an engagement when you time it right. Sometimes FT members go down by AI alone, allowing me to grab their trophy with minimal effort. 😃

I bet it was sabotaged on purpose because whiny potato’s keep getting harvested every match and need to learn to git gud lol 😂

Am I the only one that likes not having the netgun ruin 1v1 situations?

silly. Give me video. but silly.bravo. frankly this kind of behavior is as lucid as a dream. Can’t believe it because i might believe it if im stoned. but not a thing ever. STOP.