New class to add

( English ) an idea of ​​a new commando class. A doctor class with a passive asset heal his teammate, that is to say he could cure his colleague with his own syringe and his second resuscitation of a fast teammate. Considering that the scout already has the 2 nd passive asset taken away from him to give him either dexterity or silence.

( Français ) une idée d’une nouvelle classe commando. Une classe médecin avec un atout passif soigner ses coéquipier c’est à dire qu’il pourrait soigner son collègue avec ça propre seringue et son deuxième réanimation d’un coéquipier rapide. Vu que l’éclaireur à déjà le 2 ème atout passif lui enlever pour lui mettre soit dextérité soit silence.


Just play James Cameron class.

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I wouldn’t mind Dexterous, but still think Silence would be the better swap for the pickup speed class skill. Dexterous would be fine though, it makes a certain sense.

Would love a class that could climb the trees, but only for so long (stamina based) to gain different vantage points/set traps up in the trees for the pred. Claymores/ IED in trees or something.


claymor, c4 detonator, electric grenade that will be too good but suddenly you have to add space to the equipment because the predators we all almost 12 but it will be good because the commandos do not have traps

Not to mention the ability to not make Linda Hamilton, Gale Ann Hurd and Kaytherin Bigelow disgusted just being in his presence

That’s extra DLC I’m afraid.