New details on the new Predator movie

Looks like there going tribal, which hopefully means no guns should be an interesting movie.

As long as it’s still a Predator movie and not a movie about native americans with a small Predator flavor it should be fine


A tribal theme might work better than a modern theme, 1 cause a modern its been overdone to death in this franchise and 2 more creative and interesting fight scenes and hopefully might see more traps and melee combat than caster shots, which im down for, maybe might even see a Predator bow.


Looks like Predator’s taking the same direction as Star Wars… Yay…

Seriously though, if this ends up being an SJW movie, I’m gonna be pretty sad.



As long as it’s not ham fisted virtue signaling



Yeah just have your expectations low so it’ll be good…enough

I’d pay to see that any day of the week

This… does not sound promising. Beginning to sound like the studio is trying to tap into that ‘Hunger Games’ and ‘Maze Runner’ teenage market.

I hope I’m wrong.


It reminds me of Mulans(The orginal not live action) scenario shes just trying to prove she is just as strong as the men, if goes on those lines I dont think it would be bad now if its ham fisted all the way down your throat then no its not gonna be good, but if its subtle and emopwering then it has potential, and who knows it might be a setup for Machiko in future films.

Its either that or Predator vs The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


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There’s no reason a period setting wouldn’t work. As mentioned before, it just has to steer clear of modern tropes and SJW themes. A predator systematically eliminating a Comanche Hunting/war band could be fucken badass. Would bring the underlying theme of the franchise back into the forefront (The hunter becomes the hunted) after the complete turd that was “the predator” with its bullshit lore twisting…

I would like to see the pred killing white folk and natives alike (they were already fighting eachother anyway)… You know they gotta throw in some gunfights somehow.

Another good thing about a period setting is that they can’t hamfist the old one-liners like the last movies tried (and failed).


For me the gun fights are the most boring/unitresting part, I really could care less for anything in the first film other than the final fight with Dutch and Jungle Hunter, same with City Hunter and Harrigan final figgt, and Royce and Isabelle vs the Super Predator granted there was a little bit of guns but more physical combat, if this film can pull off some good melle combat as well as some good tense hunt moments it will be a win in my book as long as theres no major agenda push.

Everyone knows melee isn’t viable 😅


At least the power rangers would make for some funny satire.

The period setting sounds good, I just fear that this teenage girl is going to be a Mary Sue who defeats the Pred single-handedly. Cuz ‘take that patriarchy!’


Well considering the flintlock design back in the day and the accuracy required for it I think it might be more interesting


I hear you man. The thing is, the first film was capitalizing on the culture of the time. Action films with lots of guns and bulging muscles were very popular in the 80’s. What was great about Predator was they flipped the script on everyone. The guns and steroids were there to show how powerful and deadly these elite soldiers were supposed to be. The best of the best, of the few and the proud sort of thing…Gigantic walking testicles that blast bullets instead of semen everywhere. Then Pred shows up and serves them all a few slices of humbleberry pie. Brilliant.


Yeah, I’d wager they wont be very effective. They’ll probably make the main character out to be some sort of goddess with a bow/tracker and end up hunting the pred down to his ship at the end. Expect her to get a yautja bow as her participation trophy.

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