New dlc - another spit in the face

Community was asking them for a new map, new gamemode, just anything because it’s boring to play on the same maps. And they announced…CITY HUNTER

Well, those who defended the game, are you happy now? I’m waiting to see your messages that devs are just trying to work hard and that they are working on a big update. HAH. This is so pathetic! Still no info, still no communication, still no new maps, no new gamemods. It’s so funny to see how ppl continue protecting this useless devs.

It’s a pity to say this, but in a month the game will be dead

Literally, the worst studio in the world. Even no man’s sky 's devs are better than these


A real spit in the face, this update NEEDED to have at least 1 new map. Everything on that list is IRRELEVANT if I have to play on the same fucking maps!


So what if the city hunter is the paid prt of that dlc and the maps come with his update? Mhmmm



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Are you saying that the DLC that’s coming out is a character like the rest? And they didn’t mention that they are working on maps and game modes but can’t give a definitive release date yet?

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so make a predator game and be better than them with releasing content

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Yeah, by the time they release new maps the game will be dead. Don’t console yourself

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No, I’m not happy. I was looking forward to jumping back in.

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I never understood this argument. This is why paid professionals exist. That’s like saying to someone who goes to a restaurant and finds a rat claw in their soup to go open a restaurant and do better. No, that’s not how that works. Restaurant needs to not be shitty if they expect to stay in business.



yeah whatever but saying something like this wont help the devs to improve their game

I’m sorry I don’t quite follow your meaning. Saying something like what?

They are making new maps for 3 month! What are they talking about?! They don’t have dates. People are leaving the game. About what dates are they talking???

Any normal studio can make at least ONE map in two weeks and release it. Okay, 3 weeks. But still, it’s not so hard if you have a team that have hands. I more believing that this is just a lazy and incompetent studio with the same developers. They have been powdering people’s brains for 2 months


Good luck finding a game when the city hunter will come out 😂

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It may not be illfonic that is to blame it might be a hold up from another company and if illfonic says it and throws the larger studio under the bus so to speak they might never get another big studio collaboration. Its speculation, I’m just as annoyed by the lack of new content except friggin cosmetics, I think we all get mad because we see the potential for something amazing but right now its falling short. Even if they actually commented on bug reports or would show their listening. And someone else has said it @courier needs to step their game up or find another job

The Alpha Pred has been unlocked for all 100+, and already the Pred queue is is back to where we know it from the release of the Samurai skin…
I have mentioned it before: They should not release stuff for the Predator without releasing something even cooler at the same time for the FT, at minimum something equally nice. They really need to make it fun to play FT without messing around with the game balance. How the fu** they should be able to do this at this point in the life cycle of the game is a good question, but it is needed.

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You sound angry. I understand, but don’t lie talking about game development because you clearly don’t know much about it.
You’re upset I get it. You wanted news, here it is. You don’t like it? Tough. It is it what it is.
If you’re over the game move on. If you want to come back later, so be it. But if you and others who bitch about hearing no news, suddenly get news and then bitch about the news, it becomes obvious on why they limit their communication with the community and I am sick and tired of the sense of entitlement in these forums. Being upset is one thing, being a negative whiny pos that bitches even when there is good news is exactly why we don’t hear from them.

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I’m kinda tilted alpha is free. I paid premium cashola thinking I was getting a rare Predator skin. You can redeem yourselves by making a bone spear and shuriken for him.

Cool I’m gonna play as city hunter and still get stuck auto claiming and also auto eating pigs

Mechanics > maps/game modes/cosmetics

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That’s what I felt buying the 87 pred through the games Preorder.

But everyone can unlock the jungle hunter mask through the crates…

The alpha literally had a more exclusive run than the actual preorder bonus of 87. Sure you dont get the body character, but what do people really want, the mask… lol