New dlc - another spit in the face

They said they fixed it

Any lawyers in the forums? Seriously this seems illegal. Where is Larry Zerner when you need him? Shelly!! Why do you always do these stupid things?

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Now imma be honest the dlc is nice depsite th lack of maps and stuff but at the same time you can’t have a city hunter without a city maps kinda defeats the purpose of the name. But only time will tell maybe some more stuff will drop. They said that they haven’t released dates for the maps and modes yet but are coming.

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Lmao probably coming next year

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Just read their post carefully. They are working on a map. Singular. We needed 3 new maps weeks ago. The map they are building will be for the new game mode. They could at least start to randomly throw in a night mission. Same old maps but simply lower the light. Suddenly the FT would really feel hunted.


Lol through their “predator” game they have ensured that I will never buy a product with the illfonic name attached to it. I doubt I’m the only one with those thoughts.

It makes no sense having the city hunter without a city map 😐

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You’re not.

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There is no evidence that a city map is/isn’t coming, or will/won’t come not at some point. Until they definitively say it will or won’t it’s all speculation. Which most speculation and conversations in these forums are negative as fuck.

You paid for early access to it. It was clearly stated by the devs that the figure promotion was for early access to the skin, and that it would be a available to everyone later this summer. (Now).

Do you know where I can find this statement? Because on the box it says PS4 exclusive

Here is one many articles released with Alpha reveal that say exactly that it will be available to all come summer, but that an alternative is early access via NECA figure code.

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So again to all of you bitching about it, maybe thoroughly do your research BEFORE you buy.