New FT Class - Hacker

New Class - Hacker

A military trained specialist, sent into dangerous place to lend their expertise to team efforts. A warrior who fights in two worlds, the real and the digital.

Class Skills

  • Dexterous - Interaction Speed Increase

  • Hacking - Use any computer or other appropriate interaction at a range of about 60 to 75 feet, line of sight required. Hacking interactions take twice as long as normal interactions and don’t gain the benefit of dexterous. Require a specific piece of gear, that automatically takes a gear slot. Can’t interact with things that require a physical interaction ie, turning a valve, planting an object.


  • Health 1 (Scout health)

  • Stamina 3

  • Movement Speed 4

  • Gear 2

  • Perks 12 or 15 points, I feel 15 would suit the class better as they are highly skilled.

Hackers Handheld Computer - an extra large touch screen with fold out antennas in a mat black case. Takes up a gear slot, but allows Hacking if in your hand.

New Gear

Signal Jammer, prevents STGZ reinforcement from being called in a bubble of about 40 feet, thrown and destructible. STGZ troops can destroy it and will if prevented from calling, this is just a delay tactic.

New Weapon

Taser - Secondary weapon, either the pistol or a special shotgun that fires those types of rounds. The Pistol fires tethers that cause the person to fall down and then you can subdue them while they are stunned. On the Predator it might short out the Cloak and cause a brief stun similar to parry. The shotgun uses a round that basically keeps shocking you, leaving you unable to move, on the Pred it would cause the same short out and brief stun, but they would have to hold square to pull it off. Very low damage on both, maybe 10 points, with the shotgun rounds repeating every 10 seconds for another 5.

We need non lethal options and I think this character might be a good one to have a weapon like the shotgun, the pistol is fine too but tethers make it seem like a pain to do accurately.

Since they like to release weapons with characters, I’m going to start adding them to my class suggestions.

——— Other Class Links Below ———

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This class seem to already exist if you ask some people, they are called PC players and Russians. :P


as in people under the age of 17?

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I’d like to know if there’s a balance issue with the Hacking skill. So criticism is appreciated. Otherwise I’d just direct message everything at OKH, till he blocked me. This version of the Hacker is actually weaker then my initial idea of an overwatch character, it has to be in danger with the rest of the team and isn’t offering passive buffs or countering intrusion alarms.

I feel that giving them the ability to do an objective at range can be balanced by having it take twice as long, require them to have no weapon in hand, lose a gear slot and be a low health class. On top of that their second perk is something that means they could just run in and do it faster but lose the potential stealth of hacking it.