Since PHG is going to be jungle themed maps only, I was thinking a way to make a “City” map would be to have the really tall buildings show in the background of a certain location on the map.
Instead of using gorilla fighters from South America you guys can reskin them as one of the Cartels/gangs that were in Predator 2. Such as the Jamaican or Columbians.
Or add both for certain locations of AI factions. If they come across each other in the center of the map then they could start fighting each other lol
On Airstrip there’s that nice looking house you can kinda duplicate and add some sheds around the map?
Japan forest for Samurai Predator
Snowy version
Reskin as Asian dudes in dress up shirts and some shirtless like Hanzo in Predators.
Shirtless guys charge at you screaming with Katana and shooting with a pistol would be hilarious and terrifying lol
Scandinavian forest this one is in Sweden
You can also do a snow version of it too
Ai just make it Stargazer troops with new reskin for the weaker Ai maybe just give em black armor, a SWAT look like in The Predator