New game mode idea

New amazon map.Some type of mission where you’re in the amazon jungle. The majority of the mission would include getting on a boat and driving to next objective. Or it’s the extraction exit to the chopper. One fireteam can control boat. Other on a 50 cal that last mounted. The other 2 fireteam can use their regular guns. Sides of river lined with village’s, bridges and trees for predator cover. What y’all think? Add to this idea!


Bump in support of vehicles


I like the idea of a boat moving up and down a river. Probably do it the same way as the elevator. Not against an Amazon map but feel it should maybe wait till after another biome is added. If they do have a plan to combine all the current maps, I think a single Amazon map of roughly the same size would be awesome.

The Congo might be a good alternative to the Amazon, as it would give us a different look. Could include grasslands, different type of jungle and the water twisting and turning through the map. It can also be deep enough to be uncrossable in places.

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Many people will be trolling as the captain and not do what they are suppose to do, wont work. It would have to be a boat that is either controlled with the interaction of something, like the elevator on Excavation, or be constantly moving up and down the river with short pauses at the destinations.

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As the Pred if I sink the boat do I win?

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Yea I agree we need the city map first and the Antarctic map too.

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I don’t think so. I play with ransoms all the time and for the most part everyone plays their part the way they are supposed too. They might not be able to aim for shit but they try haha

Nah they can swim to shore unless they get eaten by alligators or anaconda lol

Can I drown them?


Boats N Hoes!

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