New game modes found

Heres gaunlet, and yes it is a multi predator mode with fireteam.



we can do something about that

I hope they implement predator clans and stat tracking so we donā€™t recruit betas.


Im pretty next dlc will be super Predators.


That would be the beeā€™s knees.


It would be all the buzz.

What is your name? What is your favorite color? What is the average air speed of an unladen swallow ?

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Gauntlet is obviously a standard 3 pred hunt. Each with one life and no second wind.

One pred dies the next hops in.

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So Gauntlet is hunt but 3 Preds and either 1 FT of 12 ppl or, more likely, 3 FT of 4 ppl
And Clash could be either 4 v 4 FT only or 4 v 4 Preds only or 4 FT with Last Man Standing Buffs VS 4 Preds

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What is this language on the left, latin?

Thereā€™s a placeholder text thatā€™s in Latin but means nothing that is often used to get an idea of how stuff looks or to just fill the space till something can be added.

Donā€™t remember the name of the text right now, sorry.

Gauntlet could be 5 FT verse 10 Predā€™s, the FT has to sneak across the map, and the Predā€™s only win by claiming the most skullsā€¦ probably not but it came to me earlier and it would be tense.

All the fireteam members have to run a course from one end to the other while being chased by the predator wearing a spandex leotard who will beat them up with a giant Q-tip

Optional mode where the predator chases them in a giant hamster ballā€¦


yes this is a well know paragraph of Latin which acts as a placeholder where text is missing.

Usually used in draft media so an editor can see how text looks on a newspaper without having to populate with a real article.

I would play the hell out of that

Oh okay thanks for the answer

Lorem Ipsum

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Thatā€™s itā€¦ thank you.

So when are the new modes/map actually being released? I thought it was rolled in to this new update for this free weekend? Or is it Monday? Cheers

September, no date released yet.

Could be on the 1st with the paid Dlc but I think it will land later than that or the end of the September.

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