New Hardcore Pred lets do it ^^


Well, how’d it go?

Well what the fuck happened

This is literally the entire reason I want Jungle Hunter; a purely empty build based on the first Predator. No gadgets or crazy weapons, just the bare minimum.

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Cough cough elder excuse me I gotta take a step away

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What happed what are the results

Yes Jungle Hunter is good, but sadly it will remain a preorder bonus, when people except that, it’ll be good

You call that hardcore? Have a look at this kamikaze ;-) :

I won 1 (ONE) game with this loadout XDDDDDD

How the haaale do I unequip the weapons? Game hard. Cannot do.

You cant, you gotta delete your save data, which deletes all your custom classes and putting them back to default, making the first one weaponless again.

I have one like this top. I gave my Classic JH just med kits,

Basic perks, modified reserves, Fearless, and adrenaline boost!

Works pretty well



take heal out bro :S xD

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Oh your replying to @Noktrum
Also who won the match

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