New Ideas for Plasma casters

So I have watched predator 2 and when I saw that the city hunter didn’t fire plasma that got my gears turning why don’t the devs add different ammo you can switch between them when customizing your loadout imagine shooting rockets instead of plasma so cool and then in predators what about that falcon when you fire it you can control it and it can slash ft with its wings you guys got anymore ideas for plasma casters

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Duelies. Pew pew maddafackas


I like where your heading with this

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Yes dualies that only fire weak shots with reduced damage

And a chonker that only fires full power shots without the need to charge it up but consumes more energy


Any thoughts on the falcon

It would work like the UAV and smart disk combined

So you could pilot it and mark targets and also hit FT with it

It would have less hp than smart disc but increased flight time

I like where your melon is

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For the city’s hunters plasma caster it should be like the wrist launcher but with higher accuracy and more damage and if you charge it shoots multiple rockets

yeah unfortuntantly its apparently they only want rocket fire from the CH only hense the locked status and yes, why don’t they add rocket fire to the plasma? *sigh.

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You git any other ideas on plasma casters and what does ch stand for

At the same time, thats why its called Plasma…and not Launcher caster. But i get your frustration.

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we pine for this. we pine.

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what is that??>

City hunter rocker caster

Git any other ideas for more ammo for plasma caster

Nope I think it’s fine as it is

Posion and explosive arrows would be cool though

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That does sound cool

Dual plasmacasters is something that should’ve been in the game. Suffice to say that they have reduced overall damage or take a ton of energy but they should’ve been in the game yesterday. Maybe as a specialization since not all Predators have a place to even put it but that’s something the game should have.