New maj 2.40 go

Like, we would actually love to have some sort of a live chat or smth like that with the team to just get some sort of an idea of what we can expect in the future and once again voice our thoughts and suggestions about the game.


Have a meeting with the PHG’s team of IllFonic to actually help and make something together while voicing concerns and bug reports that are important.


Yup. That would be great.


There is a group of PHG’s player under IllFonic and I’ve been pushing to at least have some sort of meeting but I’ve only been given “we will consider it” then again I’m mostly working with the social part of IllFonic.


I was referring to the posts made today in the patch thread. I am fully aware of the posts in feedback.

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You guys have had more than enough time to actually fix everything we’ve reported. There was an Email sent in MONTHS ago featuring IIRC 100+ bugs with detailed steps on how to recreate each one, what they do and so on.

ZERO of these bugs have been fixed. Instead you spent the last 2 months on shit like finally adding fishnets to Wolf which he should’ve launched with and changing how the Axe is held in a Pred’s hands.

You have had 12 months and counting of feedback on how bad the balance is and had everyone and their mother tell you what precisely is wrong, given you EXACT mathematical breakdowns on the problems & sent in numerous videos on the subject.

NOTHING has been changed for the better in all this time. Your idea of answering these problems is to NERF the Wrist Launcher of all damn things & leave it at that. No reworks, no number adjustments, nothing.

Literally nobody here believes you or anyone else at Illfonic when you come in & try to slither your way out of giving us direct answers and say “We’re looking into all of this feedback & hope to get brilliant new content out for you.” You’re fucking liars and everybody knows it.


Okay, let’s not attack anyone. Keep it civil. We’re all here invested in the game, but let’s act like human beings with at least some sense of empathy.
Not defending the state of the game or trying to say that there’s any visible progress in terms of fixing the game, just saying let’s be civil.


You act like she is behind everything in PHG dude like chill tf out she’s only trying to help I get you are frustrated but ease up there with acting like she’s the big bad guy when it’s a team of people stop attacking people as it won’t fix the issue.

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Then she can bring Wil before us and he can sit his ass down and answer why none of this is fixed.

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Dude, they’re a community manager. Like, chill.

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she is literally the only person we have that has the ability to talk with the dev team since @Wil never posts and @OldKingHamlet also doesn’t post and the Courier who only posts patch notes

who are we supposed to express our dissatisfaction? and i’ll ease up the anger when they prove they deserve my sympathy which after a year they have very much spent the goodwill


They’re doing an outstanding job for sure.

As a community manager? Yes, they unironically are.

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Its not just sympathy, maybe some people don’t realize a lot of us put actual hard earned money into this game and I want fucking answers & results as to why the products I pay for are getting worse & worse.


no the only time we got a change that we asked for (plasma pistol buff) happened because i asked the question on stream (which Kass wasn’t on) so no she hasn’t done a great job communicating our concerns to the developers please try again


also remember there are tons of bugs that still haven’t been fixed which were reported MONTHS ago that have not been fixed so i have to assume she isn’t doing a good job communicating those either especially when they affect actual gameplay rather than silly art


Umm what the hell are you on about this game is about $40.00 you act like it’s a $59.00 game dude and sure DLC does raise the price up to it however it’s OPTIONAL so don’t act like this is a requirement to enjoy the game these are optional characters you can freely choose to blow your hard earned money on.

When the product is shit you call it out for being shit. I worked in this industry too once so damn right I’ll call a fucking idiot out when I see one, they got better job security then half the guys I know.


I don’t actually care one single bit if you have or have not worked on this industry.
If you’re ready to lash out at people because you’re unsatisfied with a game about a Space Tarzan you should rethink your worldview.

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You’re wrong because I said so!! ;-;

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