Go maj today
New maj 2.40 go
Maj 4.20
This is a freaking joke, he’s now using his two accounts to spam the forum.
@Kassinaillia can you just ban this guy and his alternative account YOUGOZ ? If I remember well, spamming is part of the different reasons someone can be banned, even temporarily. Its incredible the moderator team didn’t do it yet, from all the banned person on this forum I’ve NEVER seen someone who deserved it as much as him. WHY ???
Took me two hours to figure out there is a new patch. 2.40! Go english!
He dosent have two account stop cry
Looks like he has three
lmfao 🤣
Comme tu es français et continue à littéralement me faire chier je t’écris dans cette langue je n’ai qun seul compte et pour le peu que j’écris sur le forum tu na plus droit de me faire chier je tient à préciser que j’ai déposé plainte contre toi il y’a 6 mois je t’en prie continue à me harceler mon cher au lieu de parler du jeu c’est toi qui pollue tout les topics donc cesse de minportuner je te bloque
nice, isn’t it the 3rd time you’re copying/pasting this message ? It seems like I’ve seen it a lot of times…
Do it.
They are not the same person.
Is there going to be any form of acknowledgement that the community just got dropped on their head like a toddler?
You seemingly, excited on what the team is working on, while also being upset when the community feels neglected must truly have you in a conundrum.
Can’t even help yourselves when this happens.
I’m not sure what kind of acknowledgment you guys would like. It’s been expressed that the patch is not satisfactory, but there isn’t much actionable feedback beyond what has been posted in bug reports today.
The BEST form of acknowledgment would be when the games support will end.
Every update is a progressive laughing stock, and is literally ruining any hope of the physical game becoming any better.
To think we all will just sit here quietly, while your company knowingly knows it has to do better, when it doesn’t, is literal insanity.
Just pour all of the teams resources into your future IPs and stop holding the Predator IP hostage.
Sell it off and not half ass your future projects.
Thanks kassi very thanks you
yes there is stop lying to us some actionable things would be any kind of balance changes whatsoever like
nerfing field medic, tracker, the battle axe heavy attack, buffing berzerker perk points and nerfing his gear points, nerfing the SAWZ, and hammerhead, buffing shotguns, nerfing 10112 and the grimtech as they still outclass all other secondaries
adjust various speclizations that are just garbage like focused or brute or scavanger
and nerf the overperformers like fanatic (still bugged btw) sniper stalker and anaylitic
just to name a few try reading the feedback section sometime
etc just look at them it’s not rocket science oh and of course fixing bugs related to gameplay like people using 3 primaries throwing more grenades than intended
ensuring keybinds work like for example
when the leap branch switch keybind is used you cannot leap in second wind and when you combine this key with the regular jump key the predator when JUMPING still climbs trees as if they had the jump/branch switch key bound defeating the purpose of the bind
just to name a few maybe i don’t know listen to feedback like you guys said you were?
Game is dead y’all