New maps should be exclusively played first day of release

Kinda sucks wanting to hop on and try it out only to play it once over a span of hours. Would be cool if it was a 24 or 12hr locked map upon drop so we can all get accustomed to it. Yknow like dogs and cats and shit


Siege just has an entire new playlist for the map

Yes that’s annoying. Who wants to play old maps when a new one is there.

Just allow map voting or a rotation that actually works instead of asking me to get those stupid drug recipes on overgrown about 10 times in a row.

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Yes. You also get Same map in row? I hope they fix this.

The new map has a cool hiding point in waterfall. Nice map

Yes Rotation is good in my opinion
But if they add vote option for maps
The smart Fireteams always pick up derailed when they see a good Pred (cuz it has so many short missions)
Or they pick excavation cuz the most of the preds hate that map

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While derailed does have a lot of short missions it’s also one of the easiest maps to find the FT on!

The map itself isn’t large due to the massive mountains in the middle of it!

So yeah they may have the advantage of a short mission but the pred has the advantage of being able to find them almost instantly!!

So it balances itself out!

However if they really wanted to be camping dicks the new map is definitely the map for it now! That Base inside is a death trap for Predators

Vote option for map yes would be good idea

In my opinion finding Fireteam isn’t really matter
Every good Pred can find the FT easy at the beginning
But in derailde if you go to secound wind
They can finish most of the mission
Specially for premade Fireteams
But i think it’s very good that “New maps should be exclusively played first day of release”
Cuz everyone wants to play and enjoy that

But i have to say one of my favorites map in the game is Derailed as the “Pred” XD

So make it that you need a unanimous vote orbit gets randomised.