New mechanic idea

So… the game is in a rocky state at the moment judging by all the posts on here so I want to spark up a thread with an idea that you guys could possibly get on board with.

New mechanic - Passive Ability: Fear
While the Pred is near the FT they will start to become afraid of it’s presence. Isolated members of the FT will gain a debuff in terms of weapon sway, accuracy and stamina, however the FT will gain a buff for sticking together which would be the opposite effect. The FT will also gain 5 xp per second while they are together with at least one other member, what do you guys think?


Sounds really good except for the 5xp per second while they are together that’s just gonna get abused and be xp farmed .

Everyone sticks together already though there’s 0 reason to split for longer than 5 seconds

To similar to Friday.

have an idea… how about the predator goes back to 1.06 when he wiped the ass off the floor… and FTs were getting melted by one plasma burst. This will make it super valuable to stay together.


Man fuck yea, that ain’t nothing but the truth. I really missed the one charged plasma shot…the good ol days

Fear is a good idea but it wouldn’t help the game. A singled out player is pretty quickly downed by a predator. Maybe if it was used to break up groups. Like if you could hang skinned bodies and it would cause them to scatter or something.

Absolutely not, that would literally kill the game. You can not take the illusion of control from the player and have them keep playing.

PS. Sorry if that was mean, I’ve apparently been unintentionally brutal lately.

Kinda like Friday the 13th! I like this idea, but it has to be done with a steady hand.

Needs to be executed so it makes players feel they are at a disadvantage but nit so much if a disadvantage they’re completely useless.

I feel like it could be time-based and proximity-based as well.

The longer you’re separated from other FT members but near the Predator the greater the Fear is generated; whereas, the Fear penalty is reduced while near Predator for lengthy engagements but in proximity of FT members, and there’s a multiplier attached to the number of teammates you’re near. Meaning, near +1 FT member Fear Penalty is reduced let’s say 20%, +2 FT members penalty reduced 40% and with all +3 FT members Fear penalty is reduced 60% for instance.

It sounds like a good idea but if you can’t see it, then what is there to fear, clicks and crackles? I feel like once they spot or see the predator then and only then for a short duration the ‘fear’ mechanic would work.

Really don’t like the idea of my train soldier being scared and suffering a penalty because someone can’t be sneaky and scare me themselves.

It’s to similar to Friday and makes no legitimate sense.

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I’m not crazy about a fear mechanic. They’re supposed to be hardened soldiers. Isolated FT are pretty much dead meat anyway.


i disagree. standalone fighter is still a fighter. He’s a deadmeat though but STILL a fighter. It’d be better if the adrenal boost perk for soldier were activating for a face to face melee encounter with predator. so if the soldier survives the one somehow he should be pumped up with the adrenaline for some time that makes’em stronger faster etc

You telling me you’re out in the middle of the jungle and started hearing random predator giggling sounds you wouldn’t be a little freaked out?

Well what if it were adjusted.
Like first contact the effects are pretty rough but the longer it goes the less effect it has? Also more or less effect when grouped or solo? Just spitballing really but i think it’d be interesting

It’s a jungle, lots of sounds to hear, so it’d most likely be put to wildlife see.

Not as much as you’d think, and that sound is rather unique and doesn’t sound like ambient jungle noise.

If we had weaker civilians that we could play, I might not be as against them having a mild fear effect, but it should counter able with a perk.

The fear effect in Friday serves a purpose, Jason is slower than the Counselors and needs the advantage to cut them off. Predator has the speed advantage both running and jumping, doesn’t need any help in a chase.

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I never played F13 so I can’t make the comparison.
Based soley on this i think an aim jitter or minor reduction in reload speed or something based on fear makes a little sense. That reduces over time though and with close proximity to teammates might be good. Helps FT stick together and adds first strike effectiveness for the pred.
Bet your ass the most bad ass hard core special forces guy in the world would be a little shaky seeing an 8 foot lizard rip someone’s spine out.

Sure, they might be but here’s the thing to survive a battle field you have to lie to yourself. You’re not scared, you follow orders, that keeps you alive.
Soldiers do get scared, I don’t remember the number off the top of my head, but during WW1 they did all kinds of work trying to figure out how to up the survival rate of first encounters. The only thing that works is having previously survived, if you don’t crack the first time odds are you won’t the next. There was some percentage 10 or 15 percent of troops who simply cannot function on a battle field, they aren’t good at lying to themselves about survival and so they waste time indulging their own fear.

Our guys are Special Forces and all have real combat experience, we wouldn’t be sent on missions in teams of 4 if we didn’t. Even SEALS are set in teams of 6.

Now on top of that my guy literally has an alien tattooed on his forearm, he’s carrying an Alien knife, he isn’t unfamiliar with the Yautja. Him suffering a penalty for being a Scout and you know, scouting would not add anything enjoyable to my experience.

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