New Perk/Specialization: Tempered

Tempered: Can melee while cloaked, cloak meter is consumed twice as much when meleeing while cloaked. Overload is unchanged.


A set amount of cloak meter is consumed when meleeing while cloaked. Say, 2,4,6 or a solid 5%

If perk: 4-6 points
If Specialization: Samurai, Jungle Hunter/Hunter, City Hunter(maybe)



Mhmmm! I like I like!

Maybe the first one!

It would be nice to keep cloak up!!

I would say a nice chunk of energy per melee would suffice!!

Maybe 10% every melee swing!

It should overcharged you tho since you are using it in a more strenuously manner!!

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Don’t see a point to it, if you’re in melee your cloak is essentially pointless anyway since it’s super obvious


The audio quee wouldn’t be as intense maybe. Sure the melee sounds but we all know that cloak sound is a dead giveaway the pred is near! So it could be helpful maybe! Idk tho! Since melee audio quess are crazy loud as well!

I like the first one

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This would make well executed hit and runs very effective. Able to get in and out cleaner if only because you’re not losing time or focus worried about recloaking on the way out

Yes please

Bumping cuz why not, new players can give their opinions

Actually, this is a nice perk to have. Specialization maybe even too. Either way, this new option sounds like a great idea to have.

I like that.
But no energy loss for melleing. But decloak if parried.

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