This reminds me of something but I can’t put my damn finger on what
New Predator DLC Incoming!
How about fixing the fucking game instead… I know i am asking for too much.
yeah I don’t know what you mean when you say that. Too many perspectives/ consoles/ platforms/ you’re meming.
Ugh again? I’m a Predator main but give us more customization for Fireteam at least like more hairstyles or change eye color
You’re a genius but you suffer for your genius abilities.
Big veiny eggplants
now i notice the eyeballs.
tf is that, plo koon predator?
@IllFonic the only time i will ever buy from your company again is if we get tracker pred. literally nobody cares about these dumb cosplay predators. at least, nobody on these forums. we keep your game via life support by making content on it. you owe us.
we want tracker, and a hammerhead, sawz, and 1011-12 nerf.
if that didn’t make it any more clear then i don’t know what will
This game needed it’s fireteam dlcs for xbox, gamepass, tusk, and game fixes not another predator. Bet you it’ll be a stat clone too
SAWZ, yes. But I think they need to buff the other ARs damage very slightly and increase the damage fall off range to make them viable. Attachments wouldn’t hurt either… foregrips, muzzle attachments, different stocks, maybe IR lasers, be creative
nope game doesn’t need anymore nerf…if the game had stats and a history of your game you’d know…PC players find it great balance. PS casuals who aren’t really good at any game because they are have attention deficit disorder will never EVER EVER play FPS shooters well. Illfonic NEED NOT CATER TO THESE FOOLS!
There are PS5 owners and they know who they are…not one of them give a fuck about balancing because they play the game well.
PS base model and Pro players are ignorant and can’t be bothered with getting good. They are also the ones complaining the most.
Lick my cheeto-covered thumbsticks, PC princess.
What? Mass did you forget how many times I’ve gaped your asshole
Shut up you liked it every time I never heard you say anything other than more daddy
you changed Mady!
I think it will be some female lady killer from Africa by the looks based on Madisyns mirror. :D
Masks kinda resembles big cat from what im seeing.
Or maybe some Indian elefanto bullshit?
Either way garbage, we’ll see if its their new P2W.
MF doom predator