New Predator DLC Incoming!

Based on what IS VIEWABLE, it looks almost like half of a Space Jockey’s Helmet from the Alien Franchise.


One respects the choice of a engineer style predator but one would prefer selfs favourite bad blood

( or more female predator variants to match others like a female samurai with a yokai bio mask and a ninja Star smart disc lol)


some tribal shit


To that, I just say give us fucking Tracker already. Nobody cares about these dumb cosplay Predators.


Is it just me or does the mask almost look wooden?

I swear to God if this is just Exiled Predator but with t!ts I’m gonna laugh


Oh lord don’t predict it lol either way if one is a female exiled nomad may (or may not) go bonkers 😂


I’m just sick of the cosplay Predators at this point.

Nobody even buys them, or if they do, they sure as hell don’t play as them very often. Since their release, I’ve only ran into about 4 or 5 Gladiators, and maybe 4 or 5 Anubis Predators. The most common DLC classes I run into are some kind of Predator from the movies. Why don’t Illfonic just make Tracker & Fugitive?

For a cash-grab company, they really ain’t that good or smart about it.


Sincerely, I don’t care

Anubis was tacky and the eye of ra was a fucking pistol… like what.

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Even if it is a cash grab the only cosplay predator one actually wants is a female samurai like the image one posted above…I wouldn’t mind as one likes the look of samurai armour and yokai horn masks and one hates the look of the original samurai (except the top knot thats a beautiful set of dreads)

Wait wasn’t there a ceremonial mask that was wooden that Yautja’s used (more so older or teachers) who have the Unblood earn their blooded rank?

Not exactly like this but still if it is wooden:
I swear there was such one


None that I’m aware of but if it has some already pre-established lore significance then I wouldn’t mind it so much.

Problem is I can almost guarantee a 99% probability that this Predator will just be another random Yautja who cosplayed some kind of human from a different time period.

Now that’s a thought!!! If only one was more knowledgeable to know about this biomask more lmao…then again one still thinks it looks like a mask for a female exiled …probably isn’t but Devs really like showing tiny parts of a wasted 5 pounds before actually showing what we got out the greedy magic wardrobe this time!

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It definitely has mayan shapes, but exhiled is wooden. There is no wood in this mask and looks more stoney than anything with rustic tones. Like the Mayan ruins in the game are basically what I see.
However the shape of the lens almost looks like the engineers mask from Prometheus and the ridges are implying it goes straign down but can’t be too sure. Those dreads don’t even look like dreads.

Let me guess

Another Predator that offers nothing new

They were off to a decent start with the feral predator

Even if it was minimal effort it at least came with an entirely new mechanic

I probably will pass on this Davey Jones/Cthulhu Predator

It truly boggles the mind that they would spend all the money to acquire the rights only to put such little effort into actually revitalizing the game

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who gives a shit…

But is funny how many people keep complaining about illfonic’s fiasco with predator DLC, and yet go ahead a purchase the dlc as soon as it is released.

Fuck that. I’m done buying this shit. “Early access” for weapons is also non-existent, as weapons are available for all players over level 150.

When people stop buying it and they see a massive drop in revenue, they’ll probably then either do something about the game to lure people back or abandon it completely and move on to something else.

Last dlc I purchased was pre v3 release and it will stay that way

But like a whole engineer armour too would be a gimick that would sell since…you know. Its basically Xenomorph biomechanics that Engineers had either took from xenos or it came from engineers.

I doubt Illfonic financially survives by revenue alone. Its mainly just about getting attention and having their place in the news of sorts (social media). its a popularity contest. I’m sure most of their money comes from the initial investors/seed funding/etc however the hell that shit works I dont know.

Did a quick paint job to see what the mask likely will look like with the other half.

The bottom is clearly the mandibles. I don’t think its made of wood, its a metal of some kind. Interesting design, can’t really place it anywhere.


if it can’t survive on revenue, I feel sorry for the investors.

iLLfonic has been around for over 10 years, any company not generating enough revenue to survive and still depending on investor’s money to stay afloat, is essentially on its way to bankrupcy.

Of course there’s the possibility that if illfonic is not making enough revenue and the investors are widely dumping money on it, they are probably using the company as a front for money laundering and/or tax evasion.


That’s some nice work there 👀
So I guess it is a mask of a Yautja, I just can’t tell if it’s stone or wood.

Also on the eyes, can I see the eyes looking out or is that the reflective lenses?