New predator incoming

Alright, soooooooooo Illfonic dropped there latest creation (absolutely not inspired by a movie of the same name. Nah. i’m just its just a coincidence right???)

The Gladiator Predator, is name is probably Maximus Yautjasimus Predatorius or some shit.

While the helmet goes fucking hard the more i look at it. I wish we got more comic Predator or even Neca.

Tho i will admit. Give me a spartan predator and i will shut the hell up.


Lmao literally jus made a post about the same thing, but bro that mask looks super lame, too much goin on like the viking. I want tracker tho then ill shut up for a while


I’m fine with the mask; i would have been on the same page as you, but i unfortunately did a Gladiator re watch recently so i’m BIAS as fuck XD


welp can’t say much until we see them with different class bodies…and real ingame photos.
My reaction is …great. ok. still need more stats and deets.

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Lol completely understandable that movie is the shit

At the end of the day I always liked the aspect of this game that you might encounter any type of Ultraman. Ultraman from the japanese shows because all of them kind of have different looks to them.

Getting into the game and not having faced a type of Predator always has its attractiveness to it. Except that there is no tainted skyline per predator and no particular change in mood or soundtrack. But whatever. Whether or not that happened in the Ultraman shows, i don’t know.

If every predator DLC had its own theme song…i’d shit my pants and support this game forever. Like it were a tv series.

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That would be kinda badass so each has thier opening cut with a predatorish score maybe even a different cut animation too.

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Exactly but you know , i dont expect much. I mean they keep using Alan Silvestries score so maybe variations of it thematically/conceptually.

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Yea id say that would be a nice change being weve had the same one since launch lol

i don’t think i’ll buy it