new predator weapons

I just wrote a post on my disappointment on the absence of “alien” weapons
meaning, weapons not based on something we already know (samurai sword, battle axe…)
so i tough, im gunna throw my hat in the ring and think up some stuff i like to see beeing added (even tough i know this is not going to happen irl)

-id like to see that weapon the pred has in avp, that boomerang kinda thing he has
this weapon would have a short attack range when used in melee, and when thrown flies out a bit, like 20 meters, and then returns to you, meanwhile u can move and do other stuff and not beeing locked in the smartdisk view
you could balance it by making it do (way) less dps then the smartdisk and it having a small melee range.

-id like to see a gadget much like the hologram in (the old) total recall movie
u throw a gadget, that creates a hologram of you, moving in the opposite way you do
this hologram doesnt do any dps, but makes the same sounds as you, and when shot its visible that its a hologram, or maybe even disappears when shot (a few times)
this wouldnt probably work well against really good FT players, but that doesnt matter to me, i love using the audio decoy, even tough against some players its useless.
plus more choices in gadgets would be nice, even tough they are not considered “meta”

-id like to see a “forward facing shield” like in the movie elysium
a shield the pred can periodically activate, that will absorb a lot of dps, but only protects the front of the pred.
could be balanced by it costing 5 or 6 skill points to use, and maybe after use you are, whats it called, overloaded, you have to wait a it to use your energy system again.
or maybe it drains your stamina too, so after use you cant just jump away, it beeing an all in kinda situation when you use it.

lastly it would be fun for the pred to have smoke grenades
this would be wierd, a pred using smoke grenades, and is according to my own post not “alien enough”
so this is probably not a good idea
having said that, it would be really fun to be able to throw smoke, or some alien counterpart of this, in a room where the FT is trying to hold up, you can see perfectly in your vision mode, but the FT-s vision is obscured by the smoke.