I’m almost certain AVP is more popular than Predator alone
Every time I see someone cosplaying it is mostly always AVP
I’m almost certain AVP is more popular than Predator alone
Every time I see someone cosplaying it is mostly always AVP
Actually kinda been even if you think about it. We got Samurai. Then Elder and CH (both from Predator 2) then we got Viking.
Wouldn’t be surprised if we got a super Pred soon considering the expected upcoming paid DLC update.
Note: Wouldn’t it just be wild and fucking AWESOME if we got Mr. Black, Gauntlet as a game preserve map and mode free, then Isabella as the DLC?
Not that my hopes are up…but can’t hurt to dream.
That’s why I’m so confused as to why people think we’re not getting AVP Predators.
It would be astronomically stupid to not also include AVP Predators.
My theory so far for what Predators are going to come out is
First: Illfonic is going to release every main character Predator, along with their own creations
Next: We will probably get secondary/fan favorite from each movie. Along with maybe some video game Predators sprinkled in
Finally: Well start to get Comic book Predators
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for the lost tribe
Por ejemplo si el egypcio lo consideran dios y le hacen la ropa los esclavos es normal que haya un predator egipcio, o el vikingo usar ropajes para camuflarse o parecer una bestia para intimidar
Thank… you… sir. These predators are DUMB
Me too
They’re definitely secondary/background characters, but they are unique characters
They should train us in game development
If they teach me I will work around the clock for free 😁
I have limited knowledge/experience in Maya software I just need proper teaching and hardware
If you want only one Predator in the game may I suggest playing AVP on the pc
BadBlood, swette, may I ask wtf are you talking about?
There are no vikings or samurais in that game to ruffle your feathers
It only has classic designed Preds…erm… Pred
It’s just the argument was made that people who want to play as a viking or samurai should play For Honor or Assassin’s Creed
I’m merely suggesting the inverse
I just find the whole debate silly
Especially when it’s been established in Predator 2 that Yautja use the weapons of thier fallen prey
BadBlood… there is NO FUCKING END in designs from the predator universe, you have lost tribe clan, you have super predators, you have the clan from New York invasion… I can go for hours. Illfonic will run out of oxygen on planet rather than run out of designs from the actual lore.
You know what’s not there? Yautja dressing up as the species it fucking murdered. That is 100% not in the lore. Think one second about how retarded Samurai and Viking really are:
People think samurai and Viking are so cool quz they look like Vikings and samurais, right? Why do they look like that I ask? Quz they have hunted in those times and fought many vikings and samurais. They wear samurais armour and Viking armour, have human writings and markings on their armours –also they are using human tech based weapons – katana and axe. Right?
… do you see it yet?
How in the sweet baby Jesus on a bread stick this makes ANY sense at all XDDDD ???
Why did the very first Predator from the original movie DID NOT wear camo pants, had camo hat on its head with “love America” logo, and did not use an M16 as main weapon? It hunted in times relevant to this clothing/armour/weapons and fought pray that was using it?
How about Predator 2? Why the city hunter dose not walk in a police uniform or sniffs shit tone of cocaine before going out hunting Jamaicans?
Let me tell you why – because he is an ALIEN from another world and treats humans as pray and Earth as its hunting grounds – not fashion store
Samurai and Viking were made only to attract players interested in Ghost of Tsushima and Assasins Creed Valhala – please look up release dates for both titles and then compare with DLC releases – Illfonic released its baits 2 weeks before each AAA title. They are not lore based. They are cash grabs
Where exactly, I know this movie in and out and cannot remebar that?
Grey back tosses the flintlock pistol to Harrigan
Admittedly he doesn’t use it but is it really that far fetched that during that time he might have?
Or a cutlass?
Given how shit these weapons were even for their time, I’d say yes - It was just a trophy, not something he’d actually try and load and use.
Even if that was all that was available?
That pistol will kill you when used properly
What about a Predator who got stranded on earth? Or some other planet?
Now compare to you previous statment
See the problem?
Grey Back is not aiming at Harrigan with his trophy toy, but with his proper advanced alien weaponry. Pistol is just a trophy, nothing else.
Look, I’m not saying that Yautja hunting Vikings or Samurais would not have some minor motives to “tell the story”, but literally dressing them up in human clothing and armour is pure cretinism – it makes no sense. I want the next predator to have a Yautja armour, a Yautja helmet and Yautja weaponry – I don’t want a knight templar, gladiator or vacuum cleaner salesman. Its not difficult to open one of the hundreds DH comic books and pick a design – there are thousands of them at this point. Non of witch look like they were crafted from human armour or clothing.
The armor on the viking and samurai can’t be human as their anatomy is different
My theory is that they were made with Yautja materials but fashioned to look like human
I envision the predator stalking them and watching them kill each other and admiring them
Me apunto jajajja