New reinforcement system that prevent people from leaving?

Since the patch with the time increase of the reinforcements, is it just me or do the rest of you Fireteam players see an increase in people leaving a round after being killed fairly early, instead of waiting for the reinforcement radio to become active?
I can actually understand this behaviour, why should you sit and wait, doing nothing, for 90 seconds when you can simply leave and queue up again and find a fresh new group and have a new round going before those 90 seconds have passed? After the reinforcement radio becomes active it will probably take another minute or two before someone actually reaches it aswell. Some players don’t even bother going for the radio, so why wait and hope for a respawn?

We need a new reinforcement system in my opinion, one that can prevent people from leaving aswell as guarantees that dead players will be brought back. Or change back the timer to what it was before, even though this doesn’t solve the problem.
Maybe you could activate a radio during a round as you complete objectives that automaticly respawns a dead Fireteam member after, let’s say, a minute? This way a dead player knows that he/she will be able to play again.
Keep the reinforcement system as it is like now for private matches and change the system for quickplay?
I don’t know, but at the moment it’s horrible, there are so many people leaving.

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I stay to get a chance at killing the infernal beast that killed me.

But will quit if they don’t go after reinforcements

When do you usually realise that they either wont survive or wont even bother going for the reinforcement and you’ve wasted your precious time then?

It should go back to a minute. I said it before, that it would teach players bad habits as soon as they realized it’s quicker to get another match than wait. On top of that the still alive players rarely bother if the mission is almost complete, they just rush the endgame.

I think it could be changed so after spotting the Predator you can use the reinforcement radio to call in secondary characters that are more equipped to deal with the Predator. Triggering a helicopter sequence and giving living characters the option to evac and be replaced.
That way players can be encouraged to run weaker (Silenced) weapons on their first character and stronger ones after the reinforcement. It gives you the option to change class during the mission too.

Maybe there needs to be a radio operator class? Or gear item?

This player Carry’s the radio on them and they must call reinforcements. If they are dead then you must do it normally?

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Here you go. 😉

It’s all contextual. I’ll wait till reinforcements are available always unless they’re getting starched at which point, there isn’t one to stick around

Great minds think alike!

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Quit Penalty. Temp banned for 15 min.

No. A clutch mechanic should not be a guarantee. And they should not buff a mechanic that rewards you for loosing let alone even having the damn thing. Just take it out so people can leave and queue up again quickly without being punished for it. A good fireteam won’t even need it anyway so it won’t be missed.