New rule can’t post memes in off topic

Posted this then got a warning


It’s a bit odd. If we could have an updated list of guidelines so as not to accidentally breach them that would be nice.
I don’t think your humorous post was derailing anymore than that thread had already been derailed.

I was posting in an unrelated thread and may have been risking a suspension for having an unrelated conversation with @KameofWar

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Well I’m sorry mods, but:


It’s a medical diagnosis.

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"* Responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content

  • Knee-jerk contradiction"

What do these mean?
And what is avoiding the very appearance of a knee-jerk contradiction?

“You may not post anything digital that belongs to someone else without permission.”

This is pretty heavy too.

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I generally interpret it as arguing pedantically, cursing someone out, attempting to shout them down, etc. It’s a case by case basis though.

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Pendantics are still civil discourse no? That could very well be the posters tone, some people are caught up on the small things and this is a game afterall.

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All I’m really upset about is the thread was already derailed but my one gif gets me in trouble

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As I said, it’s all in context. Same reason we don’t automatically ban for “insults” or name calling unless someone complains or they’re particularly nsfw.

What about name calling?

Shut it nerd.

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Under what context would you warn someone for being pendantic?
Their post is too lengthy? Or there are too many quotes? The discussion isn’t going anywhere or the thread is too long?
Do multiple warnings for different things add up? Like if you’re being pendantic and reposting art without permission which is a violation, is that a suspension?

And if I make a seperate thread in offtopic as to not derail the original, is that spam or cross-posting? This topic is about rules so I don’t feel like this is derailing but I could always be wrong and it would be easier to get the original posters permission to clarify.

But before you answer do I need to change my profile pic if I didn’t recieve permission from the artist? Its a bit concerning.

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A. What does that even mean

B. Why do you have to interpret a rule? Even if it is a case by case basis I should read a rule and fully understand it.

How do we interpret if someone is called a nerd in jest?
There have been jesting suspensions. Or maybe it gets deleted im not sure. The conversations become impossible to follow with chunks removed which is why I do not wish to have my posts deleted.

I have to use others as a baseline for whats constitutes a suspension and it seems to be all up in the air.

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The general system is warning, then mute or suspension depending on the severity of the infraction.

That’s not derailing. Derailing is when you post something wildly off topic like random unrelated memes or just to try to get a rise out of others.

Making another thread or cross posting isn’t spam.

As long as you’re not claiming you created cuphead, you’re good.

You should always receive a warning before you get muted or suspended unless you have previous suspensions for the same rule.

The only posts deleted as of now are spam, extreme derailment, and those with extreme NSFW language. Avoid those and you’re fine.

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Interpretations are necessary since some of you are troublemakers who know how to skirt the rules. :P

A. That also means we can run into trouble accidentally

B. The porn thread is up by a Technicality. So why is it fine that, that thread skirts the rules but not the rest of us?

C. Even if it was a problem don’t you follow a case by case basis?


You just made the discord shipping worse