Shouldn’t there be a new attribute specialization system where we get all those fancy specializations? you should have to work through the game and spend your loot to purchase the tokens points to use them. This system could mean a whole new level of gaming and breath new life into a 3 year old game.
There would be a limit of points you can assign to the attributes starting at it’s roots and expanding like a tree basically like Cyberpunk 2077s system of upgrades. It would be basically a myriad of traits found in PHG private mode modifications to which you’ll see in this new system where you can buff certain things like near and far cloaking being visible. …etc.
You know what i mean? Like a true predator enablements should be unlocked for us to engage with to customize our predator… but you know, more refined and sticking to more tangible results.
like a skills tree i mean…would actually be freakin cool and expand all those specializations into iconic upgrades.
i think the problem is with them DLCs and every class of pred is that they all seem locked to their special abilities. they should be free to access through customization.
Once upgraded, we should also be able to reboot our points as necessary so were not locked in…that is maybe it could come at a Xp cost.