New update today or tomorrow

mod wolf

Not sure, but I think a AvP game would be better.
Add on some extended universe, have it take place in the future, so preds and humans can get a lot of cool tech, and aliens and other creatures have them be way more evolved and different classes counter different things, like heat vision, motion radar, ect.

Give each side a campaign I guess, but have multiplayer be the main focus.

You could have multiple modes too like defense/ attack mode, a deathmatch mode, maybe a type of survival, ect.


new dlc maj correction bug roar predator wolf mod lone wolf and new map


I’m down with that, just as long as it’s not to much. I’d rather have it balance and working but smaller in scope

tommorow new dlc mod and new map no yes ???

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If you get a good studio it can be a really good game that’s pretty huge. Theres a lot of potential

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Need a good plan heading in

At this point, using the example of PHG, we really need to show Ghostbusters fans what awaits them in two years.


And even if they were to release some stuff tomorrow, i think it’s not going to redeem the situation. A few bright specs in the dark sky.

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No body this day of age listens anyway.
They rather go through the pain and suffering just to hear them get told, “I told you so” that way they have a reason to blame someone other than themselves

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Well im hoping a new pred game is open world like tom clancy wildlands where you scout for trophies and unlock upgrades but mainly go on hunting expeditions…

Or also like destiny 2 expedition system where u drop in active spots and raids and such…


I would love to be a Predator in an open world like game, and I would also like to explore other planets and hunt dangerous game there.

Predator with destiny like gameplay loop would be weird but I’ve seen weirder ideas.


I get the idea of a 4v1 game with Predator sounds nice, but the concept of a single player game like Concrete Jungle, or better yet, Fallen Jedi, rings better in my head. Like, you have a ship, you pick different planets of different difficulty, and while in transit you work on your weapons and armor on the ship to prepare for the hunt on that planet. And you can collect sub-trophies and materials from the planets to customize you’re equipment.


So perfect

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Tommorow New dlc 🤯

Why not both SP and MP styles…

Hell they can even make perma death for MP while SP stays chill… also in MP ur able to extract anytime possible so remember that u can just run away when you are low HP or like exhausted and got kills/trophies.

Also im already imagining the game done in Unreal engine 5 with nanites n everything

Also i didnt really mean it as in destiny 2 style for MP… obviously u can choose to deploy with squad od 3s or solo drop and u get a sick animation of going trough space and dropping in on a planet.

It ain’t happening.

You have Destiny 2? So do I. I just got it a month ago