New weapons you could add


Yeah that’s the first avp. Man those movies could have been so much more

…a la holy shit mang! 😳

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FT: Class Gideon Suhn Lee’s Team


Gideon Suhn Lee's Team from Aliens vs. Predator: Eternal

These guys in my opinion were the first time to be real Predator Hunter Suits which the movie stole or borrow the idea from


Those commandos would be incredibly fun to play as

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What about the

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And finally


The forbidden Tuna

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P90 and famas

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Great. Now all we need is a giant riot shield, srynge gun, electric drone, and body armor.

Maybe a blow torch?

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Well then we’ll need a riot shield electric drone combo then

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I want the mega cannon so I can just lazer off have the map lol

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Wasn’t the Shuriken revealed in a datamine as possible future content? 🤔
Or maybe it is just my hopes clouding my memory 😄

It’s imperative that a wrist mounted burner be added to the Predator aresenal immediately to deal with campers

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Gotta take data mined bs with a grain of salt. It could either be future contact or a scrapped idea they left intentionally for the data miners to find to give false hope

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Could also be a fan project

The software for 3d modeling is free for students and not that difficult to use

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Very very true. Ever since the BF2 bs data mined i don’t believe anything

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For the Predator/Halo crossover



Or for the bad blood expansion