A shit sammie is a shit sammie, mate. You can dress it up however you want, but regardless of the condiments, you’re gonna eat shit. I’d rather just not eat it at all.
News about Prey 2022
The article sites Clone Wars being the first appearance of the force power Psychometry, not specifically the first appearance of those characters.
I’m sorry I completely lost track of what we are talking about and stop caring
My point was “you have to taste it to know” otherwise you can’t tell if it’s shit or not,
and even this is purely subjective.
I’d rather read the comics and watch avp. Those women who went on equal footing with the predators are more badass and human than this trash pile of woke-waste.
Also, I never knew Lily Thai is on a predator movie.
Sure, but given how the franchise has been treated after P2, Iiiiiiiiii smeeelllll some poooooooo… There’s a certain “fragrance” in the air, surrounding the trailer and the stills… like something that has been digested by the worst kind of studio employees and excreted onto a bun and dressed up with certain ketchup-y words like ‘new’ and ‘scary’. And there’s a pickle on it named Trachtenburg or however you spell it and I’m not supposed to notice the corny shit underneath.
I noticed. Maybe I’m wrong. I’ve said so, soooo many times I WANT to be wrong. I want this shit sandwich to be from a unicorn that’s made of delicious ice cream, with a cake bun. The last several films with Predator have promised as much. But all have delivered on only the shit. We will see…
You think they’ll do limited theatrical release?
I think that everything was really screwed by TROS. A
I feel your feelin’ bro
Feral is female by the way.
Nah should be male, it’s called “him” by the actor portraying it (and maybe by the director too).
you can look at shit and decide not to put it in your mouth lol
Like Thor 4
It can’t be female. It doesn’t fit the current Hollywood political climate. You can’t have STRONG BRAVE NATIVE TEENAGER WITH LITTLE TRAINING BEATS ADVANCED SPACE HUNTER if the Predator is female. It has to be male, so she can overcome social stigmas AND misogyny.
Gotta love the unwritten Hollywood rules and THE NARRATIVE making sure we get the same generic uninteresting bullshit everytime.
wrong roar
have you played this game
Until I see boob armor, I ain’t buying that for a dollar!
You can probably make a pretty good educated guess about it, but you won’t know for sure without experiencing it.
I don’t get why people would say THAT is a female.
It’s 100% male. It’s just weird that some people want it to be a female so bad that even with it clearly being a male there’s still people clinging it being a female