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I got to play what felt like a tutorial for the ft cause the pred was an ai. It was rather fun. The game forced you to stay within a radius of your teammates or you would get targeted by the ai pred and would be much like the first movie type encounter like dieing instantly


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Your right. Ima donit agian.

I’m guessing it would be hard to sell a predator game you didn’t get to use the predator in 😄 it might explain why they lean fireteam heavy?

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Yeah and @MassImpact124 had some sort of inside type info that said that this gme was ment for a vr style of play but they changed it to what we have now

You mean he had a guess? There is meant to be a predator vr game coming out soon


No, He had some sort of video or something. He would have to post it again. But it was ment for this game to be a vr arcade style game.

Aren’t you the guy at PAX screaming for PHG to be in VR and some guy in the back was talking to security gaurds about this very thing whispering…and thats when you got tossed out of PAX.

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Dude? What are you even talking about.

Thats between me and the security gaurds.

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I will drone strike your carwash

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Drone strike? You could just pull up to his drive way and stomp on his bucket 😄

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Me and my bucket have a special relationship.

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Wont be the same effect! Its gotta be a spectacle or else he wont get the dam message

Stomp on my bucket and I will break yo dick mothoffocker!

I will set it up in about an hour or two.

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