Next DLC Predator Poll.

If it’s super Predators and we get tracker…well we’re gonna need them hell hounds to go with him. Otherwise I’m uninstalling.

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I mean yes, though hounds are a must but I wont be entirely upset if it isnt, cause thats alot resources if they
allready have alot more in this update to compensate.

This is there first BIG content update I would assume there would be alot in this for waiting so long.

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Is it update time yet?

Not yet I’ll let you know though.

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Update is live

Wolf predator because the wolf predator has a whip lace weapon.

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Well, Predalien wasn’t dead. Mortally wounded yes, but so was Wolf. Honestly, it was a draw due to even without the nuke being dropped on the city, both would of died not long after to their injuries. As for Mr. Black vs Wolf. It would be a close match. Wolf is more skilled in combat, but Mr. Black is stronger, but also slower. Mr. Black has advantage due to no code of honor whereas Wolf does. Ultimately, It could go either way in a fight to the death.

Mr. Black got fucked up by Adrian Brody. Adrian Fucking Brody. Wolf all day long

Why are we talking on two month old post?

Why not?

Cause theres no reason too, the conversation has came and go.

Post is still up and as long as its public people can comment on it as much as they like. Kinda the point of a forum you know? If you don’t want people commenting on it anymore simply delete it. Plain and simple.

Okay have fun then.

Also fun fact you cant delete posts only admins can otherwise I would of.

Then, ask an admin to delete it or don’t make posts if you don’t want people still commenting on them. Again, the point of a forum is for people to add their input on a topic whether its a minute, a hour, a day, a month, or even a year old. People are allowed to give their input on a forum post whether you like when they do or you don’t. I’ve been on these forums for three days now. I think I can comment on older posts to add my views and ideas to a topic. Or am I not allowed to use a forum for what it was intended for?

Personally for me I see no reason to revive a dead post, I never said you couldnt talk on this post or any other I was giving my opinion, also another fun fact dont expect the admims to do anything they barely communicate at all, expect when patches drop or a post gets too heate, very rarely do they just talk with there community.

People posting on an old thread to complain about people posting in an old thread. Hooray internet.

Obligatory Wolf Sucks Comment

Scarface or Mr.Black next lmao.