Next Predator DLC is a Gladiator Predator

Recent Leaks by IllFonic have shown to be very teasing to the brain, could it be alien based or something historical. If they are continuing historical Yautja’s taking on events they were apart of in history, I’m still holding out hope for a Templar Knight. Regardless these leaks to me point to a very Roman like gladiator set up, not a Spartan (but I’d happily be wrong).

Also we are getting another Combi-Stick Variant skin, which I’m happy to see more love to the Predator weapons after so long, but I would like to see another melee Predator based weapon be added.


Would also have been cool to get a new Elder Sword skin.

Honestly unless if somehow this new Pred can cancel parries or does something useful, it’s just another thing to easily destroy.


Yeah my issue is that they are limiting themselves to DLC One-Liners to get your juice flowing. I don’t think Predators have ever been One-Liners in the films. Possibly in the comics, but then I guess that’s all you’re going to get out of a AA game.

I mean we’ve yet to even get a Predator in a film that used a bow and arrow so that being said it worked pretty well in the game.

It only indicates that Illfonic are still boiling a stew that still tastes OK even though they aren’t doing anything new and no matter what this DLC story is …its going to fizzle out.

The limiting factor is the engine itself, they are not doing anything new and its going to be very boring yet again.


The Medieval Predator is confirmed

Comes with a mace/shield combo

Plasma Claymore

Medieval crossbow that doesn’t leave any kind of trails to give off the predators position

It was confirmed here


Straight asshole move lol

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Sad but most likely true, I doubt they’ll release anything new for this Predator, maybe the variant combi stick will do something different like the Hook but again unlikely.

As cool as these Predators look, I want something that really shakes up the game too.

i keep hitting refrsh it doesnt work

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Another cosplay Pred with shitty stats that a competent FT will just shred up in seconds anyways. Yawn.


Ah yes, another variant for a weapon we already have 3 variations of, that have absolutely no differentiations besides in their designs.

It also just seems like this will be another shitty Melee related Predator class seeing as it is most likely based on a gladiator or something along those lines.

I would much, much rather we get Tracker Predator instead.


I’m not really a fan of cosplay predators. That’s why I pretty much only bought the movie preds that do not cosplay as humans… (I don’t like the feral predator either though)

It’s like predators in this game have an identity crisis or something that they have to pretend to look like humans lol


Honestly I get that, enjoying the ones that revolve mostly around the alien like culture and armor.

However for me, I feel like Yautja’s who contribute human culture to their armor are Hunters who have found respect for THAT specific warrior in human history. As most Predators seemed to do that, a great example would be Elder / Greyback who has bits and pieces of human warriors of different parts of history added to his armor. Except with these guys they go full out.

Yeah I agree with you, I just don’t like when they go full out cosplay. It’s just so weird, it’s like if a hunter who hunts deer for a living and he gathers all this knowledge on how to hunt more effectively to take out the deer but instead of adapting his ways of hunting that deer more effectively he instead starts to just dresses up as the deer when hunting it. (I mean the ones that go full out, I like when they do it how great back does)

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lol I thought I was the only one who thought that lol 😂

great fantastic that what we desperately wanted

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We need a combi-stick that acts as a point a shoot plasma caster that just shoots plasma or like CH wrist launcher.
We need bear traps that do double duty that lays down an audio decoy that mimics Fireteam that displays no visual cues.
I mean…just switch up weapons and make the bow the size of an axe and call it crossbow that shoots out smoke.
like then at least the devs can have a go at being creative instead of this
cosplay shit.