Nikolai Perk Idea

FT perk idea

When claimed FT explodes taking 30 to 50 percent health from pred. FT member can NOT be reinforced after use. So use it wisely.

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Another perk similar could be called dirty…or dirty merc.

FT can attach a grenade trap to a downed or dead and unclaimed FT.



A new gear item - the claymore mine - could also acheive a similar effect while also serving a dual purpose

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Youve lost your mind…but i like it!
Kind of like this moment:

Why the hell not? Most players hide in the buildings anyway. might as well do it in style.


Una buena idea seria poder colocar la bomba y el predator huir, no te darĂ­a puntos por ser deshonorable y si te matan solo quedarĂ­a reclamar el cuerpo

That would be easier EXCEPT “it could see our trip wires” haha. Any explosives experts in here? What bombs wont give off heat? Or signature.

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Nope. Forcing preds to play even more cowardly, no way.

Maybe if you reverse it. Claiming stops the explosion. The pred loses 50% health if they damage the downed FT until dead.
And the other perk can only be used on dead FT, instead of not getting picked up.

Ya no.

If this was the case, I’d rather it do the amount of damage a frag does

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I always wanted classes to be stuff like this originally (and locked to specific weapon types to streamline balancing because why does a scout have an lmg) instead of what we got.

In the current game though nope.