Ninja pred builds

Man, I got a feeling your gonna have your work cut out for ya on the forum over this free weekend.

Iā€™m working, so Iā€™ll be on sporadically and to be honest, Iā€™m probably angrier at the devs than all the Pred mains bitching put together.

Tomorrowā€™s patch better make it make sense or they just fucked up huge. People went from go easy on the new players, to kill them all and make them suffer.

Iā€™m just mad, cause they are forcing me to play classes I donā€™t want to, just to fucking use the new equipment. They tossed what balance there was for randomā€™s in the trash and gave Pre-mades a gift of Predator heads. Most people just donā€™t realize it yet.

Itā€™s all wrong if it was meant to draw new players in, like shooting yourself in the foot before a race.

Yea they shouldnā€™t alienate the people who have been around since the beginning just to bring in new players who may or may not stay.

What illfonic need to understand is that the average gamer could give two shits about this game.

Theyā€™d rather be playing fortnite, or apex legends or fall guys or overwatch or any number of games catered to their tastes.


The thing that bothers me is whether they intend it or not their balance changes always seem to look designed to get sales over player growth. For games in this genre to last player growth is more important than sales. Weapons that are in early access are often meta, get released and are nerfed. The hammerhead just got nerfed and Dutch comes with a new model that will be pay to win for a month or so. Whether intended or not, it makes the devs look bad.

The fact that I typed that should scare the fuck out of them.
(But they donā€™t pay enough attention to realize it.)

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I bet you the new (old) hammerhead will be more powerful.

I just said that, Iā€™m not taking a bet Iā€™ll lose. Itā€™s like arguments, I donā€™t have them if theyā€™re un-winnable. šŸ˜‰

You did just say that. Iā€™ll blame it on the fact Iā€™ve had a headache all day.

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I think pred/ft damage is fine, but pred should be harder to find. Cloak needs to be better. Spot needs to be removed. Marking the preds general direction is fine, but spot needs to go. Also, pred makes entirely too much noise and way too much day-glow blood.

Have to remember ft arenā€™t there to find the pred, theyā€™re there to complete the mission. They win if they finish the mission. Pred only wins if it kills ft.

Make pred harder to find. Itā€™s the right thing to do. For the children Illfonic. For the children.

I agree spotting should be communicated using your voice not spotting but most people dont use a headset so thatā€™s never gonna happen.

FT have been emboldened by how easy it is to spot, keep spotting, and find the preds in general. As iā€™ve stated, repeatedly, I think damage is fine, but preds needs to be harder to find e.g. harder to see and hear