No sound

Evening all,

I’ve had my eye on this game for some time hoping it would come to the Xbox series X, so as you can imagine I was pleasantly surprised to see it arrived today. Anyway, I’ve run into a big and cannot for the life of me fix it and it’s simply killing all immersion unfortunately.

I hear no voices, no predator voice, no quick command voices. When the predator (I assume!?) roars at the start and end of the game, I don’t not hear it at all. When you give commands to your team mates, nothing happens.

Does anyone know of a fix or solution? I’ve done a full uninstall and reinstall, yet the issue persists.

Furthermore, none of the collectibles in game actually work. You can’t listen to them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated so I can jump back in and fight that predator!

Thanks all.


Same issue for me on PC.


Thank you for the info. I will get this up to our team to look into further.


Got the same bug on PC.
Makes the game harder since I can’t pin-point where the enemy team is based on voices.

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The problem still persists…

the predator has no sighting sound, when you press the button to shoot, a sighting triangle appears and there is no sound similar to growling before the shot itself!