Nomad playing PHG’s on the PS5!

Hello everyone! Welcome to video gameplay of The Nomad Clan playing Predator Hunting Grounds on the PS5! This was early footage of what was the early build for the Stalker Predator build I did awhile back before the AVP Classes were put into the game.

It sucks, you suck, and you’re ugly.

Fire go home, your drunk and it’s not even 5 o’clock yet



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Oh god their speaking Yoda

Are you fucking kidding me? Who gives an actual fuck?

Good for you @NomadClan ! Play the shit out of those potatoes.

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Just in case you didn’t notice Nomad,

PHG = Predator Hunting Grounds
PHG’s = Predator Hunting Grounds’s

(sorry, but it pisses me off seeing it lol)


Sorry bout that😅

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Idk those guys felt a little more then potato’s but it was a good match.


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and you’re still not right.
Should be : Predator Hunting Grounds’

To be fair I never graduated clown school!

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Yes I’m aware because I deliberately typed it in the most annoying version of how I imagined the big phat emphasis of it sounding like Grounds-iz

I can’t tell if I’m the one tripping balls or if it’s you

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Sorry buckaroo I’ve got early access to this bad boy
I’m gonna steal your frames


Yup it’s definitely me

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I was once like you… then Bobo the clown or @TheAlmightyJim broke my spirit. Then i became a frog clowny boi. Join the clowns.

Combination of both horror and meme