Noobs predator

OR when the arrows literally fly 3 feet to the left of the aim reticle as opposed to the actual target.


so you agree great, if your randos and you have medikits and supports there is no reason you should be blowing through stems. Some premades I fought I add up the dmg and its damn near close or over 3k worth of dmg. Thats insane, we talking 75 percent accuracy on arrows shots and disc throwsā€¦ if you screw up once then its a pain since the FT can re-enforce or heal up. Or you take away hp buffs bane buffs and predator buffs( hp armour and dmg). In the current state also the movment speed of projectile weapons vs on hit weaponsā€¦ also giving pred huge disadvantage while shooting.

I love how to talk about ā€œMetaā€ loadouts ā€œsupport with thick skin and baneā€ which is, btw, impossibleā€¦ When you know the teams that beat you donā€™t run any of those perks šŸ¤£

this patch its just baneā€¦ thats itā€¦ all you need is 4 recons and scouts and snipers, you shoot one bow shot and you get lit by 3 or 4 sniper shots.


Can confirm this to be true. Me and @Fire and @REYNOSO_FUA11 and @Forever_Mello all played Scout Class one afternoon for the memeā€¦and couldnā€™t believe how successful that set up was. It was a mixture of Bane, OWLF, Thick Skin, Double Time, 2XL, SAWZ for a while and then we tried to use the lesser strength guns and still had a decent success rate.

Sure, it helped that we were coordinated and good at the game but ā€œcome on manā€ as Creepy Biden would say, if youā€™re getting clapped by 4 Scouts in this game then something is seriously wrong here.

Just get rid of snipers if they are so OP. I guarantee the same people complaining about how OP they snipers are will complain when they cannot use them anymore.

Like they say in my hometown ā€œsi se lo meten grita y si se lo sacan lloraā€

i think they are fine. its the bane perks that over excessive.

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All damage perks on this game are broken because they are percentage based. Which means the damage boost is exponential. The weapons that deal more damage get more bonus while the weaker weapons get less bonus. It should be the opposite.

But if we talking about balance, you canā€™t ask to nerf bane without asking nerfs on downrange and fearless as well.

while defenses reduce that but its not enough

If anything, I think they only thing that will solve balancing issues is boosting everyoneā€™s health and lowering everyoneā€™s damage output.

Make both factions exhaust resources. As it is right now is either melee rush bam bam Preds dead in less than 4 minutes or bow plasma bow down down, FT is dead in less than 5. The only matches that last longer than that is because FT is running the Pred through all the map.

You must be joking, people bitch they canā€™t one shot the FT.

A different game mode where the weapons start limited and you unlock more as you progress, FT upgrading first each ā€˜roundā€™ might work but weā€™d need different maps with a more linear layout, or maybe move from one section to the next. I donā€™t think a lot of forum Predā€™s would like to start weaker and needing to collect their gear.

I think most want it to be as few hits as possible to get a down, at least thatā€™s the sense I get.

I honestly donā€™t care how main Preds bitch about not being able to one shot down a FT. No one on this game should be downed or second wind in one or two secondsā€¦ Else just make it a fucking deathmatch and have infinite immediate respawns

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Well, one of those doesnā€™t happen but the other happens alot of the time.

Assault+Bane+PDW with extended magazine and no suppressor will second wind a Hunter in 2 secs easily.

Pretty sure thatā€™s why he said it that way.

Ramge weapons already got nerfs. Melee and fearless can be completely removed in my opinion, but damn, dont nerf range any more.

maybe just maybe if FTs stuck together they wouldnt need those huge buffs.

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no it wontā€¦ I already tested it. Its more like 4-5 sec and thats every bit of ammo

They either nerf range or nerf ai. Right now AI wears you down so much you are never at full health. Ranged weapons with downrange produce a 1 shot downed. Thatā€™s a no fun move in my book. If thatā€™s gonna happen them make a fucking deathmatch and let me respawn immediately and letā€™s see how many times you kill me before I kill you.

It does take a second or two, but you have to nail every shot at close range. Full clip will second wind a hunter if you use assault with bane