Not enough xp as Pred..

lol its been off topic for ages, bruh. And you should have been whacked by the mod for your offensive language. If your 16yo angry brain can’t handle this, maybe you need to take a break.

This kid be raging because he nub

Been playing since the beta.
80% Pred, 20% FT. 9/10 matches won on the former, around 6/10 for the latter, nearly always the highest damage regardless.
Spent more time on this game than any other since launch.

Not quite a nub.

Well still he ragin

…I think you tagged the wrong guy lol. Cuz yes he ragin. I’m not ragin, I’m cool lol.

Also @gR4yr4Ng3r, resend that message I didn’t get to read. Don’t be scared :)

I taggeth not thou

Oh, I see I’m dumb teehee.


Well it’s logical to cut the team for an older game fusing on a new one, but it doesn’t mean they will abandon in any ways

I got hope for a good support in the times that comes.

I know this topic got derailed, but I just wanted to point out how big of a difference fireteam Damage makes to gaining XP.

Example 1: 10,002 XP

You can see that I got maximum kills, but the fireteam did sub par damage. So the kills and claims were less rewarding.

Example 2: 17,192 XP

In this example, the fireteam did above average damage, so even though I made a mistake and let one escape, since I killed and claimed the most damaging players, I got much larger XP rewards.


The path to max requires masochism.

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I rarely get below 10k a match. You’re rushing. Take your time. A big thing is letting them reinforce and claiming 8 players.

FT is definitely quicker if you’re actually a good player and can take out preds. You also get the free xp drop on every mission. Problem is you’ll likely not be acing every mission whereas with pred you can level up every match if you’re good.

Damn!! That’s a TON of XP!!

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7 my bad lol

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Easy-peasy, kill 3 FT members, let 'em reinforce, kill all 4 and set off your explosive instead of getting the skull of the last one. 8 players dead

That’s…still seven.

you’re not counting yourself then. Gotta suicide for the 8th.

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