Not enough xp as Pred..

Pred needs more xp against serious and experienced FT teams. Right now as it stands, we’re just a bunch of noob killers, picking stragglers off. Against a well organized group, I can’t make more than 2k tops while FT’s walk out 5k+ empty handed, and that’s an entire game following their asses all the way to the chopper! Where’s our weekly challenges? Why even wait 5-10mins to play Pred besides for the lulz??


Play FT.


What if he enjoys playing predator and doesn’t enjoy playing FT at all? Gaming is about what you enjoy and what gives you fun / joy.

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Then he needs to chill out and realize he’ll never get what he wants. Also, its good to play both sides to learn all the mechanics of the game; he’ll be a better Pred player because of it. Everyone will tell him this.

Nice white horse you got there.


“Then he needs to chill out and realize he’ll never get what he wants. Also, its good to play both sides to learn all the mechanics of the game; he’ll be a better Pred player because of it. Everyone will tell him this.”

That is true, not denying that. Too bad this game can’t be better so you could actually have fun depending on what you want to play instead of being forced to play things you don’t enjoy to get something or learn something.

“Nice white horse you got there.”

I don’t understand this reference, sorry.

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Git gud

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What is the point of this 12 year old phrase trolling? Honestly, genuinely, what enjoyment do you get? :)

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I enjoy playing non buggy games and I do not enjoy listening to people complain about their own lack of skills

So what are you doing on this forum if you enjoy non buggy games?

How’s this lack of skill when the game system is mathematically made in favour of the FT in terms of earning things?


This game used to be fun

I’m trying like all of you to make it fun again


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You make every day fun for me <3


By trolling legit concern posts with “git gud”? :)

So you guys love just horsing around on the forum instead of making this game better?

Says it all to me :)

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Who says you can’t do both? Lol




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Well you’re not being efficient doing both and it clearly reflects on the quality of your game.

Two breakups in one week, how will I ever survive?