We currently have estimated wait time. Would be possible to display how many predators are waiting in queue before me?
I think it would help a bit with people frustration because they would see something changes as the number decreases while they wait in queue.
In case the number is considered confidential, some rounding may be applied… like there are >100, >50, >10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and GO! Of course I don’t know how may predators are in queue in average so my suggested rounding may be off and it would need adjustments so the number updates at least once per 30 seconds. For example if you see you are 9th in queue and number does not change for a minute, then you know it will be long wait and you can consider to requeue as FT.
What others think about this idea?