Objectives completed waay to fast.

I mean then why is everyone trying to shut down my actual good rework ideas that are what this game was supposed to be in the first place.

Like why don’t people just actually work together and be supportive and act as one… literally like i dont see a problem lol… all my reworks are based on balancing the game for both sides and it was never one sided… ever

Find a good pred and try that, I have a video right here:

See how fast sharpy kills me the first time around. Dude, don’t bring potatoes that just rush openinly into your gun fire as justification.

And no, I am not one of those, if you read what I said that I do you should’ve realized it even by readfin the second quote you made.

What’s your Tag, I can’t see them too well.

Because you’re not being realistic I suppose. How realistic is to ask the devs to completely rework the game?

I would like longer missions myself, but something realistic, like doubling the time it takes for missions to finish but increase FT resources to compensate. That is realistic. I would also increase ttk on both sides so the pred dies slower but so does the FT.

Here’s the vid:

Sharpy toyed with us the entire game. I did not have a good team but still. Also watch him playing skilled premade PC teams and see how he does.

EDIT: This is my favorite video of his. He playes FT and pred here (half way trough):

People seemed to lost faith in their own kind lol… as in lost faith in devs and video game industry.

Like as soon as someone mentions a revolutionary invention or a concept or a plan… people shut it down like it would harm them lmao… people get scared of something they realize would actually work but they dont wanna put up their hopes in it… hence they decide to shut people down to not feel bad and shit about it lol…

I am just pointing out its not realistic what you request and why it is. I don’t mind you posting ideas, who could very well go in the suggestion section and do it and not in general. I just don’t see this happening in any shape or fashion. Perhaps in Predator Hunting Grounds 2.

good pred dont try melee for a reason , because ft can beat them to death with knife

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There won’t be second part and if it was you won’t get the chance to do the same cause they did not allow early feedback for beta.

If they did i would have written these suggestions long time ago before this game got fully released… and maybe just maybe this would have been in the game already.

It is realistic but its not doable cause people are worried about “nerfs” lol… bruh we saw they nerf even the stuff nobody asked for… and we saw they buff stuff that people stand as one and decide that this things needs to be buffed…

So if people apply the same moral on my ideas… we would see much better game that was promised to us and marketed as.

I personally bought this game for 45€ just cause the marketed it as a full stealth immersive asymmetrical multiplayer pvpe game.

Dude, the devs don’t have the resources for it, they just put out some skins (almost) and 2 maps in a year. Come on…

Bruh so you are telling me Ten chambers studios aka guys who made GTFO… are better than a studio named illfonic which was sponsored by sony and playstation…

While GTFO game had like double less standards and much more less resources than illfonic

That false, good preds use melee, they just do it right and don’t expect to rush in and 100% to 0 with melee.
You can watch the video above, Sharpy kills me with arrows/combistic and melee.

I know nothing about GTFO but I am just pointing out what happened for the past year in THIS game.

Ok but im telling you that many indie game dev studios made better games with much less resources than what ILLFONIC has.

You see these games like The isle, subnautica, GTFO they all have less resources to start with than what illfonic had or has even right now.

And its not even as simple as that.

Illfonic is being limited by the publishers… And to get the publishers to remove the limits on illfonic, we need to stand as one community against the limitations for the game… and show them that community makes money.

I am sure the predator license was not cheap bub :)

You do realize they probably overshot the budget they asked for lmao… and all we need to do now is prove a point which is a real fact, that these ideas people had and still have would make this game generate way more money than it is now.

Quite easily too, such as @GetToLaChappa @MostlyPizza and others in the Melon men.

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sure . saw me some good pred that use melee

Those are against random teams who don’t know what they’re doing. I mean, half the guys he was using the bow against were having their knives out trying to swipe him. Any half decent player would magdump him then and there.

I have 2 videos in that post, the second one is against 4 man PC premade of skilled people bud. Watch it! Just scroll up.