Observant shouldn't be a perk

They need to get rid of observant as a perk fireteams shouldn’t leave footprints when not muddled up and be at risk for target iso. When they muddy up they shouldn’t show up on target iso but they should leave footprints since they’re literally covered in mud. This just would make alot more sense than whats currently in the game


Yes I agree.

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So, you want fireteam to leave heat vision footprints while mudded up by default?

That would basically be the end of anyone playing stealth builds with scout or recon, so you may as well remove those classes all together.

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I agree with what you said but it may be possible and balanced if the visibility of the foot print diminished faster in visibility when mudded up.

Disagree the FT would leave footprints regardless of being muddy or not.

I think observant is fine the way it is.

No observant’s like the only one thats a true perk the rest are mostly 5% stat adjustments.

If anything make more perks like observant.


What do you think happens when you walk on soft surfaces?

You don’t need to be covered in mud to leave footprints. You’re just not leaving MUD footprints.

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It makes zero sense though lol

Be fair 😭

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It should be a perk. Not everyone will use it. Ft has ice cold and a silence perk. The great thing about perks is choices. They should add more perks too. They could add a special perk to mudd up your footprints to counter observant for anyone who wants to use perk points on it.

That is the whole point!!!

Ha. Right. These forums get crazy. How could anybody enjoy playing predator, when the predator is a tank, the FT is easy to kill, and, on top of that, they would be easy to find, if they always had footprints.

Too bad both of those perks are practically useless.
Ice Cold very much so.

I use silent its pretty good
I think it stops your character from talking too cause i never hear my guy say something. Plus the ai dumb out looking for me and i can walk right up on them

Hmm… didn’t think about it’s use on the AI.
That might be worth something I suppose.

I mean you risk thermal eyes and energy (unless A scout) and a perk spot for something that could be considered “better”