Odinn is here!!!

Yeah, it’s all good. I just felt like I explained exactly why I think it’s an issue. It’s all somewhat pointless anymore anyway. I just really wanted to see this game go a different direction, but they can’t even keep it from crashing, let alone achieve balance. Posting here isn’t going to change that either.


Lol all I’m saying is I think the arrow damage is fine.

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I think plasma spam is the worst

But the ft bullet spam is fine eh?


Then let us agree that 70 damage for a fully charged shot is fine.

Well they don’t have tomahawks now do they?

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Idk damage seems to be fine now.
I dont know Man, nothing on the predator feels too strong.

I honestly feel the humans should be weaker health wise, but have more of them.

Like 10-15 people,
And preds have their actual damage.
Like one shot pc and what not.

Where the humans have a harder mission with a bigger map and actually have a struggle to survive.

Like matches lasting 30 minutes.

Right now I just want a 2v8 or 3v10 hunt, and more traps that are actually good and more tech and gear.

I’m just saying everyone lives to put consistent damage on pred in a negative light, but on ft, it’s perfectly fine lol.


Your not a wrong sir your not wrong

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I’m going to try to limit my posts until the next update, but I just wanted to be clear.
70 damage is the current fully charged damage damage of the bow. Until at least 1.17 the damage of an uncharged bow shot was 53. At some point, there was a shadow buff that increased the “spam shot” damage to 57.

70 damage for a fully charged shot is perfectly fine.