Ok guys, let settle this! Was Bill Paxton killed by the terminator?

So i always hear the claim that Bill Paxton is the only actor to be killed by a predator, a xenomorph and a terminator.

Predator and xeno, definitely, but after watching the opening to terminator (1984) i cant help but think, was he actually killed by the terninator? Yes he gets pushed by him, but how do we know he died?

So my question to all of you is. Was bill paxtons character killed by the terminator? And give your reasons as to why you voted yes/no.

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters



He snapped his neck when the tossed him


Reason for voting yes: I am James Cameron.

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Yeah he picked him up by the neck or close to it shook him and broke his neck then threw him! He died

No, he lived to make other movies