Old rework post, ignore. (Fresh post linked)


-One time Guranteed kill that encourages stealth

-Breaks up fireteam and forces them to spread, and if they dont they get slaughtered

-Finally make use of stealth kill animations that are in game for the FT but no one ever bothers getting because who tf downs someone 4 times without killing them

-In my entire balance pass pred will be overall weaker, so if done right could help a squishier pred engage close range.

-Cool factor (Which is the point of playing predator)



Fireteam can prevent it by not standing still frequently.

It doesnā€™t bother me neither. Iā€™m just trying to find a way to make ice cold useful, but itā€™s hard lol !

Iā€™m completely onboard with stealth kills and long claims being actually useable. I just canā€™t accept invincible kill animations and huge damage resistance buffs. These things CAN be useable beyond giving the player outright invincibility.
Otherwise itā€™s just ā€œoh look that guy got caught im just going to kill him in the middle of all of you while you just have to wait for the fun animation to finish and can do nothing about me standing here. Now i can just slow walk around.ā€ Basically Fireteam vs Jason.

Just makes me think of that stupid ā€œbulletproof ultimate predatorā€ that just stood around in the open nuking everyone until bullets magically worked on it at the end of the movie.
That mess is not predator.
Make it a seperate class or something because it sounds exactly like what youā€™re saying. Meanwhile everyone else has to be careful with their claims because they donā€™t have hulk mode.

Failed claims are cool factor for the fireteam and they deserve to be able to save their teammates :(

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I mean if you dont make it invulnerable though then you will have to make them very short animations, which is lame. Might as well just spam PC or bow and quick claim or not even bother quick claiming. Truth is, the fact that both teams can kill each other changes this game from almost all assyms. but I can understand where you are coming from. Its just that either its nearly useless, or it serves a purpose, and at least with the invinc/buff plus the timing/stealth required to pull off said kill, should give it purpose.


I like alot of it but definitely not everything. If other weapons get crippling, the Wrist-Blades and Elder Sword should get something like minor bleeding DoT.
The one thing I am vehemently against is punishing players for playing Private Matches instead of Quick Play. If someone wants to just play against their friends and not deal with toxic randoms let them. If you pay for the game you should be free to play it how you want to without being penalized.

Wrist blades need to stay as they are because as far as the design of the game is concerned they are simply back up weapons. You can use wrist blades with any non melee weapon without having to switch, which means that they already have a secondary purpose. The elder sword being a multiple target and longer range would give it more use alone. The reason other weapons such as the club have some sort of parry break is because they have low range and single target only damage. Plus it just makes sense.

As for the private matches. Heres the thing. You bought a multiplayer only game. The game should not reward its players for playing outside of pubs, because if it does then no one plays pubs. The game dies. Same goes for the argument of disabling crossplay. It sucks but this game doesnt have a large enough playerbase (and likely never will) for it to survive whilst also fragmenting the playerbase into so many seperate slivers. Its not healthy for the game. I would much rather be forced into pubs and crossplay than I would the game die not even a few months after release.

FT knife is a ā€œbackup weaponā€, usually intended as a last resort when you run out of ammo unless you are a Dutch-tier badass. Itā€™s certainly not the signature weapon of the FT. Yet it is still far more effective than Wrist-Blades. Both FT and Pred have plenty of other weapon differences, the backup and designated badass weapons should be equal, imo. Also if they truly wish to fulfill the whole ā€œwe reward you for adhereing to the yautja codeā€, the Wrist-Blades should be more viable to actually encourage their use beyond just wanting to look like a badass that killed you with a handicap. Iā€™m not saying the claws should be the BEST weapon in the Predā€™s arsenal, just at least equivalent in effectiveness to a basic combat knife, sheesh.

For the sword, I love it, my second favorite weapon BUT multitargetting would have to be very limited and its reach is fine. Itā€™s a sword not a spear. Two maybe three in one swipe if they are very very very close but too much multitargetting and reach removes any point to the combistick besides doubling as a javelin. Give sword something else like you did club so all three fill a more unique purpose. That makes more sense than functionally turning the sword into a non-throwable Combistick.

You will always have people in public quick play as most DO choose it out of preference, and will be even more inclined to do so once queu times are figured out. Private Match is still intended to be multiplayer vs. Not sure what valid argument you were trying to make there. Ok, sure, it can function as a half-assed but servicable solo/training mode but if only two players, even if you both pick preference FT it wonā€™t allow co-op against AI without pred. It pretends like it will at first and then randomly switches a player to Pred before final game load. So functionally the same as Quickplay if you qued into a session that somehow got into a game with only one to two players. Still multiplayer, still playing and likely paying for the game to keep it alive. Plenty of games have a Private Multiplayer and a Public Multiplayer. If a few play Private and are still buying DLC, etc. game is still alive. If you completely alienate anyone who doesnā€™t want to conform to all of the quickplay supremecists you will likely in fact lose customers. They will play other things that allow them freedom of choice instead of telling them to shut up and take it how you want it with no choice whatsoever. This is potentially more detrimental to longevity than allowing them to play the game how they want to instead of catering only to a select portion of the fanbase that thinks everyone must choose their preferred choice instead of deciding for themselves. Iā€™m sorry if this comes off as getting an attitude. I donā€™t mean to be disrespectful. I just STRONGLY value freedom of choice and customizability over having someone else decide HOW Iā€™m allowed to play the game I bought.

Its a shame they actually pick nothing from this topicā€¦

I feel you man, but that doesnt mean the dream is dead.

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šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘I hope

Iā€™ll be supporting this topic

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Why thank you Good sir!

still hope

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My boyā€¦you should apply at illfonic you got it laid out to a T. I personally thought your idea of removing the mask to go hand to hand was a badass idea! You should directly message this to the creators and if possible attach a count or list of all who are in favor as im sure youā€™d have no problem getting support to put this at the forefront of the feedback and suggestions. Really hope they do all or at least some of your ideas. Badass bro!

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haha Okay to be fair that idea has been around on the forums for weeks, so i wont take credit for that one. However I figured it would be worth adding regardless.

Thanks for the support!


Also I already looked at applying for illfonic but unfortunately all of their job openings for every location requires the actual development skills of some sort. (graphics design, programming, UI design Etc.) which I only have the most basic understanding of. Plus I donā€™t live anywhere near any of their studios.

Id have loved to though. Im sure that with direct contact with the devs, I could help rework this game even better because I would be able to have them tell me what literally is/isnt possible in any form. plus I could have them give me the run down of how everything works, which would help with the more difficult parts such as Specific weapon balancing or perks.

That being said if they ever need a community manager to bridge the gap between the Devs/Community, I could do that. ( I already spend all day on the forums lol.)

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Good guide with the good visionā€¦ But too much error of equilibre

Please explain?

There are lots of things like the fact that the team respawn with 20% hp ā€¦ The predator just has to make a smach jump to kill everyone

We can make a call on Skype or discordā€¦ I have a lot of thing I want say youā€¦

Sorry but Iā€™d prefer to keep it in the forums.

The 20%hp revive is from a self reviving gear item. This mean that in a second a fireteam membwr that pred has downed can be back up and fighting. So yes, a 20% health on revive from that, is warranted.