I like this idea… hope devs appply that…BUT😁 i think they dont read posts on forum mate. They do not communicate at all…😐
Old rework post, ignore. (Fresh post linked)
I’m worried for them ! Their last tweet was may 14th !! Are they out of money even to promote streaming ?! Someone should call the police they might be in danger too !
Agreed with the zoom, already put that in my guide in the predators vision section I believe.
As for fireteam damage, you can tell how damaged they are by how covered in blood they are.
I meant the other way around. A damage counter to see how much damage each FT member has done to the predator. That allows the predator to see which one is doing the most damage to him, and plan/act accordingly.
I don’t know if it was already mentionned before. But I think that the mudd shouldn’t prevent the predator from scanning the FT with the thermal scan. On the other hand, I would add the ability to hide from the scan to the ice cold perk, which is useless as it is right now.
Oh interesting. Ive never really considered that. However its not very difficult to determine who is doing the most damage just based on the weapon they have. That being said most of the time I cant even tell the difference between the 4 FT members personally except for their weapons so a way to identify them would have to be added alongside that.
I dont mind the thermal scan being blocked by mud personally, it forces pred to listen for distant gunfire. it slows preds hunt slightly, but as soon as the fireteam hits an objective it doesnt matter.
Holy shit man what a novel!! my patience would not have lasted… But anyway i love your ideas seems fair even i would be down to play with this idea… Very awesome and great post good Job my friend 👍… Nameless approves
This was by far the best fan made balance rework ever made… I hope illfonic notice you man you will def have my support!
Mudding screwing with scans is fine. Tagging players and having constant info on where they are is very very strong when you have players that will run off in a corner to spot and snipe while everyone else is running around.
Not sure about the stealth kill adjustments. I disagree with damage resistance or invincibility during any kind of kill animation. Ever.
That’s very frustrating for the FT and doesn’t make sense in general. Pred in the movies has had to drop people and leap away all the time. It already feels really strange tanking hits while long claiming or stealth killing FT members. If there’s ever a mode including something with pred vs pred, they should be able to interrupt eachothers claims without a doubt js but back on topic, kills being cancellable is fine as it is right now.
- About the parry, they don’t need 3 parries if the stun stays as is. Just needs a better stamina management system aside from slash slash slash until you happen to block something. There’s typically only one hit in a combo that does dangerous chunks of damage (ie second combistick swing) and if you block that you can solo the predator as is. And heavy attacks with knives shouldn’t have parry frames the way they do now because that’s silly.
Instead of giving the entire fireteam a slot for pistol, make pistols benefit that it’s usable while downed & your melee swaps faster with it. Let the wannabe yakuza melee builds take pistols.
Noisemakers should show up on target isolation scans
Don’t agree with the ancient mask retrieval fetch quest. Let pred pick up his old one and do some painfully long time wasting repair animation. He shouldn’t be leaving tech there anyways ngl.
Not sure about the effectiveness of claymores. Since the general concensus is indoors = bad. I do agree with giving FT traps for braindead rushes though.
Disagree with increasing FT members damage depending on the number that are dead. If people want to solo the pred they should honestly just have perks for it.
Similar to DBDs “when you’re the last one alive here’s a buff.” Or “you’re the pack leader/preds target, predator has you tagged at all times but the rest of the group gets X buff until you die”
Or “You can solo extract on the chopper early after you’ve killed X some super special AI but abandon your FT” (lmao team is a lost cause get me out)
“Matyrdom -You have the option to blow yourself up when killed but you cannot reinforce after”
“Recieve an extra trap for each teammate dead” or perks for people that want to snipe outside range of their FT but get a buff for running around solo etc etc.
That way the person has to streamline their build for it and it encourages different playstyles rather than everyone sitting up eachothers asses every single match & the game ending in 3 mins since its repetitive for everyone. In general they need to take a look at DBDs funner perk options & make perks feel more like perky trade offs rather than flat damage resistance buffs. Stuff that affects gameplay for both sides. You should have to go into a match with a goal/playstyle in mind.
Great job with this.
Hopefully the devs see this and implement as they can.
Overall I agree with you, especially the Predator needs some type of buff where the players do not feel like they can always win a fight against it.
Not sure exactly how they would lengthen the match time to double, but more objectives for both sides is a good thing.
Make it to where the Predator gets buffs for collecting trophies, player or AI targets.
Take away quick trophy claims.
I think the zoom in function together with scan-target-to-view-info on perks, weapons and gear is definitely a given for the predator. This encourages the stalking a lot, which is needed along with longer matches, and longer plus more varied missions for the FTs. A lot more tactical gameplay needs to be implemented to the predator. He’s way too simplistic now.
This would be interesting because predator definitely needs an incentive to claim beyond xp. Special AI claims buffing the pred would definitely slow the game down.
Atleast make it a perk. Predator has an AI kill counter with no reason to kill AI currently.
Make some fireteam missions affect what the pred is doing atleast. Give him a reason to kill their priority targets instead of jumping in high risk and wiping everyone.
Keep in mind, any of the points marked with a lambda symbol are not my own.
However let me go through and respond to everything you said.
Heres the thing about the assassination. It would ideally require pred to sneak up to someone, and can only be executed while they are standing still. In later predator movies, such as Predators, there are lots of times where pred straight opens up with a melee stealth kill whilst cloaked. I dont like the idea of invincibility particularly either, but there needs to be a reason for the fireteam to RUN instead of trying to just unleash hell. I figure the balance for this is that you have to catch the fireteam standing still to execute the stealth kill.
Im not too good at parrying personally so I cant speak on it much.
The pistol slot idea was someone elses I believe. However it just dawned on me that another idea could be that you have to choose either a pistol or a knife. Pistol would be usable whilst downed as you said, but knife still parries. Might give some incentive to choose between them.
Mask retrievel quest wasnt my idea, but I figure it could incentivise an aggressive predator who rushed to fuck off the fireteam for a bit to replace his mask, whilst giving the fireteam time to push objectives more.
Noisemakers on isolation scans isnt necessary in my opinion. They already create a noise disruption passively in thermal. However I want them to bounce around like in CSGO to simulate some sort of movement. This might help them trick a pred.
Claymores again wasnt my idea, but it could be used as you said, for preventing indoor rushes, but also for keeping AI at bay whilst doing a defend objective.
Balancing the game around perks is gonna be difficult, which is why personally I want all the damage/damage resistance perks trashed entirely.
Perks should be utility just like the Gear, but it shouldnt directly influence the basics such as health.
I havent played dbd in forever but remember that it is a very different game, the only thing shared is the fact that its assymetrical.
Remember that in Dead by daylight there are perks that are must haves, such as being able to heal yourself or hit the monster when he picks you up to make him drop you. I would prefer that the game avoids creating any “You must have this to gurantee a win” kind of perks.
Dbd is a game with completely different objectives and gameplay I agree. Being able to kill the killer here changes things around however. Dbd is just “stack survivability perks” because they don’t have any other ways of being able to interact with the killer, so this game could have a lot more options.
IE: a perk to make the killer drop you in that game is broken there because its a free escape & the gameplay is entirely dependent on survivors getting caught and carried around. A perk to make the predator drop you once at the end of a long claim animation here wouldn’t be a must-have in itself because we have more gameplay options available than just chasing people around and picking them up.
As for the mask thing, it’s typically not lost while rushing. Masks are sniped off 90% of the time unless the game has been going on forever & the pred has been shot in the head enough.
Invicibility or damage reduction would not make the fireteam run while someone is being claimed or stealth killed. They would just spread out and wait for the green light to shoot after the basically free instakill animation ends, which is worse and less interactive than what we have now IMO. Preds get lit up while grabbing people and thats how it should be. Claims should be on isolated players who’s friends can’t get to them on time. Whereas stealth kills should be immediately lethal since they’re harder to pull off, maybe keep the collision on the player model so it functions as a shield against the people shooting you while the animation finishes.
I will say though that currently those long claim stabs don’t do damage and if you just drop the person because someone is shooting at you, the guy you just stabbed twice is perfectly fine. Half-successful claims should do a % of health damage or something. Cap out their health at half if their friend revives them, or base it on however long they were in the animation even though the full thing didn’t go through. Anything to incentivize atleast trying to go for long claims (that isnt invincibility or damage reduction roulette ofc). I like either of those pistol ideas and personally think fireteam should get more melee options.
Well if you read the entirety of the assassination section, its not just the invulnerability, its the massive, but temporary damage resist buff for pred afterwards. Meaning that once hes done slaying your teamate, if you dont run, he can slaughter the rest of your team.
Pred has no trouble catching up to the fireteam. Nor should FT outrun him. Would be one guy getting claimed spelling a death sentence for everyone else.
Could be that predator cant sprint/leap during this period.
But then what would be the point? Predator gets a big giant invincibility during long claim that prevents people from downing him. Then he gets a big giant damage reduction and slow walks around without being able to leap or sprint anywhere so the FT can sigh about something they were incapable of stopping and run off to go do objectives. Thats less interactive than quick claiming at least they can get a few shots off with that.
It sounds a lot more like Jason than predator and takes away the risks for the pred completely.