only 150 ping but terrible jank

got predator jumping, then back again to where he was, then jumping again… plasma caster not firing then 4 shots coming out all together… it acts like youve got 2000 ping even when you only have 150… even have problems with ping of 80ms or more.

Whats the deal Illfonic? dont remember it being this bad long ago…


Session Heartbeat Failure - with 8ms ping…

then conection failed at the main menu.

Must be general internet issues or something with AWS

Only 150 ping? The game basically stops working consistently at 100 ping because its all serversided you get shot through walls 5 seconds straight. At 200ms people are just sliding around shooting while downed.
Server tickrate has never been good.
The lags a factor but you’re losing packets hard if the server is trying to rollback your pred. Update your router firmware.
Heartbeat failure is your client not being connected to the server at all during a refresh even though this game wont kick you for lagging.